19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance

Mr. President, Avoid False Choices Offered by Activists


January 27, 2014


President Barack Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, D. C. 20500

Dear Mr. President,

Eighteen activists recently asked you to abandon your energy policy. We are writing to offer an alternative view on behalf of the energy consumers we represent and the millions of Americans who support a comprehensive energy strategy.

Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) advocates for energy policies which:

  • Broaden thoughtful access to offshore and onshore oil & natural gas;
  • Ensure affordable, reliable supplies of electricity for American families, farms and businesses;
  • Increase economically viable use of alternative energy;
  • Enhance energy efficiency and conservation; and
  • Educate the American public about how energy is created and used in the American economy and its affect on the communities in which we live.

Energy development is not a divisive issue. Public polls show a 94 percent approval rating for increasing domestic energy production. Unlike the activists who recently wrote to you, CEA believes the United States should utilize all available resources – oil, natural gas, wind, solar, biofuels, energy conservation, increased efficiency – in order to reliably meet our energy needs, create jobs and continue to stimulate our economy.

As the Department of Energy has recognized, the United States will continue to use fossil energy for our transportation and power generation needs for decades. There is no single solution to meeting our energy and economic needs. U.S. domestic and foreign policy should recognize and embrace the reality that increasing the supply of all domestic energy sources in the most cost-effective, sustainable, environmentally conscious and energy efficient way is in our nation’s interest.

Every sector of the U.S. economy relies on affordable energy to transport goods, power facilities, or manufacture products. Oil and natural gas are a regular part of our daily lives in some way – from shampoo to aspirin to the soles of our shoes – energy is woven into our cultural fabric.

Our common goal should be advancing responsible energy policies that support energy innovation, economic growth and a healthier environment. Energy policy should not be driven by divisive politics.

Modern technology now affords us the ability to refuse the false choice of pitting the environment against energy development.

Mr. President, Consumer Energy Alliance and its members are committed to working with your administration to focus on solutions, avoid false choices, and empower innovation to help the United States reach its energy potential.



David Holt
Consumer Energy Alliance
Jennifer Diggins
Chairman, Board of Directors,
Consumer Energy Alliance