19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance

Consumer Energy Alliance Welcomes New Member: America’s Natural Gas Alliance


HOUSTON – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is pleased to welcome the America’s Natural Gas Alliance (ANGA) as its newest affiliate member.

Representing North America’s largest independent natural gas exploration and production companies, America’s Natural Gas Alliance works with industry, government and customer stakeholders to promote increased demand for our nation’s abundant natural gas resource and to ensure its continued availability.

“Given that CEA represents some of our most important customers, we are pleased to be affiliated with them,” said Marty Durbin, President and Chief Executive Officer for America’s Natural Gas Alliance. “We look forward to working with CEA and its members to demonstrate just what a unique opportunity we have to take full advantage of this abundant, American and affordable natural gas resource to the benefit of our economy, the environment and our energy security.”

“Consumer Energy Alliance is pleased to partner with ANGA and welcome them as a new affiliate member,” said CEA President David Holt. “ANGA brings incredibly strong leadership to the overall energy discussion in the United States – particularly for sensible natural gas development and usage. CEA looks forward to helping ANGA amplify these messages to consumers, small business, elected officials and natural gas users all across the country.”