Over 17 months beginning in August of 2012 TransCanada spent $2.3 billion to build a 485 mile pipeline from Cushing, Okla. to the Gulf Coast. Here are seven important outcomes:
- TransCanada’s $2.3 billion infrastructure investment over 17 months turned into $5.7 billion in economic activity for Texas and Oklahoma (Texas: $3.6 billion, Oklahoma: $2.1 billion).
- The economic activity from Gulf Coast construction supported $1.04 billion in labor income in Oklahoma and $1.7 billion in Texas.
- 50 contractors located in 19 states were utilized to provide parts and services during construction.
- A locally owned Texas small business provided 30,000 pounds of ice a week to construction workers to keep them cool and hydrated.
- Construction required 11 million hours of labor from 4,844 construction workers, heavy equipment operators, welders, laborers, transportation operators, environment, safety and quality control inspectors and supervisory personnel.
- In Texas, Delta and Wood counties saw over 20% of personal income stem from Gulf Coast Pipeline construction. In Oklahoma, seven of the eight counties saw more than 20% of their personal income derive from pipeline driven economic activity.
- Even after building the Gulf Coast Pipeline, the United States still lacks the necessary pipeline infrastructure to keep pace with energy development happening throughout North America.