19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance

CEA’s Engagement in Wisconsin


As a part of its overall goal to ensure the increased production of domestic energy, lower energy prices and increased energy security, Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) engages in many state-level campaigns across the country. Unfortunately, our recent efforts to promote a more fair and equitable system for electricity ratepayers in Wisconsin have drawn the ire of some environmental organizations. The groups have seized on CEA’s activity in the state in an effort to make a mis-informed point without bothering to fully understand CEA’s position on distributed electricity (including rooftop solar) and the areas in which we agree.

Many states across the country have begun to address how to integrate increasing amounts of distributed generation onto the grid while ensuring grid stability and maintenance. Throughout all of these discussions, CEA’s position is that  1) we encourage the use of solar; 2) we want to ensure that the electric grid and infrastructure are maintained; and 3) that consumer prices remain affordable.  Importantly, our phone surveys in Wisconsin took no position on the merits of the specific rate case in Wisconsin, and CEA does not comment on utility rate cases.

One organization in particular took issue with our efforts to gather supporters through a phone poll.

Because CEA did not offer any comments on the merits of the rate case, CEA asked the PSC to withdraw our submission on October 30, 2014. CEA took this step to help reduce any confusion on our position or the position of our petition signers, and to further highlight the three key points CEA wants the PSC to consider in all of its deliberation.  The next day, the PSC officially notified CEA that the petition was denied despite our request to withdraw the submission.

CEA stands by its original submission of 2,500 petitioners to the PSC. The process was transparent and forthright, and the names included in the submission were accurate, and CEA accurately reflected the survey in our communication to the PSC.

As an organization that advocates for energy consumers,CEA is an independent non-profit organization, managed by an active and robust Board of Directors, that has been engaged in similar efforts around the country for 10 years. Along with HBW Resources, who has been contracted by the CEA Board to help manage our organization, CEA’s process of gathering grassroots support for energy-related state and federal policies is something CEA and its members pride ourselves on. We will continue to advocate for increased fairness in electricity rates, affordable prices for consumers, and increased domestic production of ALL forms of energy.