In response to the President’s final State of the Union address, Consumer Energy Alliance President, David Holt issued the following statement:
“President Obama tonight highlighted how the American economy and employment have performed during his two-term tenure, and how the U.S. is now a world leader in emission reductions. Indeed, these are accomplishments for which we should be proud. But the President failed to emphasize how the U.S. energy revolution helped spearhead these legacy-makers, and how it’s led to significantly lower consumer costs, whether it’s through lower gas prices or decreased utility costs.
“While the U.S. energy sector has radically altered geopolitics and has been one of the most impressive catalysts during the Obama Administration for job creation and sustainable economic growth, more work awaits. Our energy infrastructure is struggling, new federal proposals hostile to energy development threaten to derail our progress, and special interests are working overtime to halt responsible resource development, regardless of the millions of jobs at stake.
“Polls have repeatedly shown that safe, responsible energy resource development will be at the top of American voters’ minds when they cast their votes in the 2016 presidential election. We hope that the 2016 presidential candidates keep this firmly in mind as they advance their energy platforms – and that our next president follows suit to support a new era of U.S. energy development. At this juncture, our nation needs energy policy leadership and a firm commitment towards the pursuit of an ‘all of the above’ energy strategy that will greatly benefit the U.S. economy and consumer.”