19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance

Economic, Environmental Bliss Hinge on Nuclear Energy


Power plant cooling towers

CEA’s Brydon Ross discusses the importance of nuclear energy to economic development and carbon-free generation of electricity.

The United States is blessed with a significant array of natural resources that includes abundant coal and shale resources, biofuels, geothermal power and growing opportunities for renewable energy. Those sources of energy together have allowed everyone – you, me, our neighbors and co-workers, plus businesses of varying industries and sizes – to relish stable yet affordable electricity prices and an economy on the upswing, despite an increasingly oppressive regulatory landscape. But all that could come to a screeching halt if we don’t act to preserve our current fleet of clean nuclear energy facilities and the cheap, carbon-free, reliable electricity they produce.

Read more – Knoxville News Sentinel