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Consumer Energy Alliance

Colorado Must Avoid Germany’s Disastrous Energy Mistakes


Larimer Street in Denver Colorado

The Wall Street Journal dubbed Germany’s “energywiende” energy transition from traditional to renewable energy sources “the world’s dumbest energy policy.” CEA‘s Emily Haggstrom underlines how Germany failed.

“Here’s a primer on how Germany failed: it shut down its emissions-free, baseload nuclear power plants in an overreaction to Japan’s tragic earthquake and tsunami in 2011. Germany sought to increase the use of natural gas, relying heavily on Russia for import.

It then turned its back on natural gas in an effort to aggressively meet mandates without regard to the feasibility of new technology. After all this, the country was then forced to increase coal imports when it couldn’t maintain the reliability of its electricity grid because of the lost nuclear generation.”

And what that means for Colorado.

“This kind of bad policy harms renewable energy growth, and fails consumers because it doesn’t provide the kind of uninterrupted, affordable energy that only a balanced mix of power supplies can create right now. Any policy must reflect the fact that energy demand will only keep growing, and that we need all energy resources – renewables as well as traditional oil & natural gas – to meet our needs in a sustainable, environmentally responsible way.”

Read more – The Daily Sentinel