19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance

Leading Consumer Energy Advocate Commends Administration’s Action to Accelerate Infrastructure Permitting as Part of U.S. Economic Recovery


White House with Marine One Parked on Lawn

Washington, D.C.  – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), the leading voice for sensible energy policies for families and businesses, applauds President Trump for signing the executive order, “Utilizing Emergency Authorities to Facilitate Infrastructure Improvements and Other Activities to Support the Nation’s Economic Recovery from the COVID-19 Emergency,” to expedite infrastructure permitting as part of the nation’s economic recovery from the global pandemic.

CEA Federal Affairs Advisor Michael Zehr said:

“We commend the Administration for issuing an executive order to accelerate infrastructure permitting, which directs Federal agencies to create faster regulatory pathways for energy projects, allowing for more affordable supplies of energy to reach families and small businesses – something that everyone needs more now than ever as we rebuild from COVID-19.”

“Unfortunately, burdensome and outdated bureaucratic processes, as well as a mixed-bag of confusing and counter-productive obstruction, have prevented traditional and renewable energy projects from moving forward – hurting many workers, families, businesses, farmers and Americans who are being denied access to reliable, affordable energy. Instead of infrastructure projects being bogged down with confusing, repetitive and unclear regulation as part of a broken permitting process, this action will help to fast-track the nation’s economic recovery and improve America’s infrastructure.”

“In the wake of the economic downturn and recovery from the pandemic, American families, small businesses, and farmers are struggling to make ends meet. At the same time we are leading the world in environmental improvement, President Trump’s responsible agenda to remove burdensome, outdated regulations, coupled with his renewed focus on enhancing and repairing America’s crumbling infrastructure, will put Americans back to work and serve as a critical catalyst for rebuilding our nation’s economy, and bringing critical supply chains back to America.”