Consumer Energy Advocate Expresses Disappointment with Decision to Enact 60-Day Moratorium on Oil and Gas Leases
WASHINGTON, D.C. –In response to today’s action by the Biden Administration to halt the issuing of oil and gas leases on all federal lands and waters for 60 days, Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) President David Holt issued the following statement:
“While CEA has been a longtime advocate for strong environmental progress, it is important to acknowledge that we have to meet our environmental goals and our energy requirements simultaneously. Federal lands and waters account for 12% of U.S. natural gas production and nearly a quarter of U.S. oil production, which make them critical to America’s ability to serve the growing energy needs of its families and small businesses. Unfortunately, this decision will harm American laborers, workers, families, and small businesses who depend on reliable, affordable energy. There are ample ways to accomplish the Administration’s emission reduction goals that do not include overly restrictive impacts on our daily energy needs.”
“National calls for unity and reconciliation must recognize the need for compromise and logical solutions. For too long, both sides have argued toward a zero-sum outcome; now is the time to achieve both our climate and environmental goals and continue to bring safe, affordable and reliable energy to America’s households and business.”
“Today’s action risks increasing energy prices at a time when the nation can least afford it. More than any others, those among us living at or below the poverty line or on fixed-incomes will be the most harmed.”
“And, based on the fact that the U.S. leads the world in environmental improvement, it is unclear what, if any, impact this decision will have on further improving our environmental performance. It almost certainly will increase global emissions and raise consumer prices by replacing American production with energy sources from nations which produce less affordably and with far fewer environmental protections.”
“Even as one of the largest producers of oil and gas in the world, the U.S. has led the world for two decades with the largest absolute emissions reductions. We managed this massive achievement even at a time of record oil and gas production, through commitment, strong regulations and technological advances. We are already more than halfway toward reaching our emissions reduction goals under the Paris climate accord, while other nations like China and Russia with weak or non-existent environmental controls have no obligation to reduce their emissions at all.”
“As we revive America’s communities and economy from the COVID-19 crisis, we must remember that thoughtful, environmentally responsible energy production that keeps our economy growing will continue to benefit families, farmers and small businesses across the country. We look forward to working with President Biden on balanced, unifying policies that advance our environmental goals and help meet the economic and energy needs of families and businesses across the nation.”