Hydrogen Storage Tanks

CEA’s Mid-Atlantic Executive Director, Mike Butler, explores how Western Pennsylvania is continuing to lead the way in energy technology and innovation to ensure continued economic development across the state.

While tech­nol­o­gies like car­bon cap­ture have gained mo­men­tum in re­cent years — spawn­ing more wide­spread adop­tion and news cov­er­age — they have been safely de­ployed for de­cades and thor­oughly stud­ied by lead­ing gov­ern­ment, in­dus­try, and ac­a­demic ex­perts in­clud­ing those at Penn State and Car­ne­gie Mel­lon. Cap­tur­ing and stor­ing car­bon mol­e­cules from nat­u­ral gas can also be ap­plied in low-car­bon hy­dro­gen en­ergy pro­duc­tion, where the only emis­sion is wa­ter.

Read more – Pittsburgh Post-Gazette