19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance


Pipelines for America

Anti-Pipeline activist violence

CEA President David Holt was featured in the Washington Examiner after anti-energy extremists deliberately attempted to shut down critical energy infrastructure, endangering not only first responders, but families, and the.

Senior Adult Couple Going Over Papers

With another winter in full swing, New England consumers – especially working families and seniors on fixed incomes – continue to be at risk of price shocks when the bills.

Storage of pipe line segments for placement

The lack of sufficient pipeline infrastructure is hampering opportunities for economic development across the state and region, costing Pennsylvanians jobs and better wages. “I was disappointed to choose Texas, but.

On behalf of our 400,000 nationwide members, Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), the leading national consumer advocate on energy issues, responded today to a recent decision by Connecticut’s Department of Energy.

Onshore fracking well pad

CEA Midwest recently hosted the West Virginia Energy and Manufacturing Forum in Wheeling, WV. This forum brought together elected and public officials, key labor and business leaders, academia, manufacturers and.

Harpers Ferry West Virginia

CEA Midwest recently hosted the West Virginia Energy and Manufacturing Forum in Wheeling, WV. This forum brought together elected and public officials, key labor and business leaders, academia, manufacturers and.

WHEELING — West Virginia – and the rest of the U.S. – is in need of bipartisan progress and a sensible, rational process on energy issues, including pipeline projects, key.

Pipeline construction

A coalition of 22 business and labor groups signed a letter calling on the Obama administration to follow the rule of law and the established regulatory process to complete construction.

CEA Midwest recently hosted the West Virginia Energy and Manufacturing Forum in Wheeling, WV. This forum brought together elected and public officials, key labor and business leaders, academia, manufacturers and.

CEA’s Michael Whatley was featured on WTOV Fox 9 following the West Virginia Energy and Manufacturing Forum. Energy is a huge issue in the upcoming election on all levels. Wednesday,.