Pipelines for America

CEA Launches Pipelines for America Public Education Campaign

Penn Energy quoted CEA board member Jennifer Diggins and John Eichberger about the importance of educating the public about the roll of pipelines and...
Stack of pipelines

CEA Launches Campaign to Support Pipeline Construction

CEA Mid-Atlantic Executive Director Mike Butler discussion of the Pipelines for America campaign was covered by the Observer-Reporter. Consumer Energy Alliance, a national consumer advocacy...

Campaign Advocates for Increased Pipeline Infrastructure

Brydon Ross was interviewed by WCMU on the importance of pipelines and CEA's Pipelines for America campaign. A consumer advocate group has launched a nationwide...

Advocacy Group Launches National Campaign on Energy Infrastructure

Morning Consult covered the recent launch of Pipelines for America, the Consumer Energy Alliance campaign to increase awareness about the importance of pipelines for...
Pipelines for America Logo

Consumer Advocate Launches National Campaign Aimed at Educating Consumers on How U.S. Energy Infrastructure...

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), a national consumer advocacy organization that represents consumers, manufacturers, agriculture, energy, renewables and other industries, today launched...

CEA Applauds Removal of Anti-Pipeline Provisions from Massachusetts Energy Bill

Consumer Energy Alliance commended a conference committee comprised of members from the Massachusetts legislature that recently approved a final version of the Energy Diversity Bill...
Monthly natural gas heating bill

As I See It: Expand the Natural Gas Pipeline

Timothy Murray, President and CEO of the Worcester Regional Chamber of Commerce, and the former lieutenant governor of Massachusetts, writes about the high cost...
Family electric bill

A March to Higher Energy Bills

David Holt discusses anti-energy protesters whose policies will lead to increased energy prices for families and small businesses with the Walpole Times. Do you have...
Pipeline worker in pipe

Want to Build a Gas Pipeline? Be Prepared to Wait Years

America's energy infrastructure is in need of modernization to better supply families, farmers, and manufacturers with affordable, reliable energy. Six hundred days and counting. That’s...
Inside view of a pipeline

A Pipeline to a Compromise

Mid-Atlantic Executive Director Mike Butler discusses the benefits of pipeline infrastructure for Pennsylvanians. To many, the Constitution Pipeline could hold many promises — jobs; infrastructure...