PfA Mid-Continent

Couple looking at tablet

An Essential Oil for Relaxing at Home

After a long day or even a long week, most of us like to head home, make or take out a good meal, before...

Perry Calls for Energy Infrastructure Build-out

Consumer Energy Alliance recently hosted Energy Secretary Perry at the Future of Electricity Forum. "Today's consumers have more choices, more information, more say on their...
Pipeline Connection

The Importance of Pipeline Infrastructure

Pipeline infrastructure is extremely important to help our country function. In fact, there are roughly 2.4 million miles of pipe in this vast transportation...

CEA Report Says Pipeline Rejections, Generation Changes Would Put Nation at Risk

David Holt, President of CEA was interviewed about the impacts of pipelines on utility costs for families and small businesses. “I don’t believe that most...

Advocacy Group Launches National Campaign on Energy Infrastructure

Morning Consult covered the recent launch of Pipelines for America, the Consumer Energy Alliance campaign to increase awareness about the importance of pipelines for...
Woman stressed over bills

Rule of Law

CEA's David Holt recently discussed how the regulatory process for infrastructure construction, when used to achieve political ends, harms families and energy consumers across...
Production assembly line for manufacturing of engines

Pipeline Opposition Impacting Economic Development, Manufacturers Say

Manufacturers across the country depend on affordable, reliable natural gas to power their facilities and make products consumers use everyday. Manufacturing companies, which depend on...
Laborers working on pipeline

Saying No to Pipelines Won’t Help Struggling Families, Solutions Will

CEA's David Holt discusses how improving our energy infrastructure can spur economic growth, promote environmental safety, and help put Americans back to work. Instead of...
Anti-Pipeline activist violence

Lack of Civility Not New to Energy

CEA President David Holt recently opined on the lack of civility and increasing lawlessness of anti-energy protesters (as we've documented multiple times - see...

Affordable Energy, Affordable Travel and Expanded Opportunities for Emerging Economies

A hundred years ago, international travel was either for the wealthy or for migrants who wanted a new life so bad that they were...