CEA Alaska

CEA’s Alaska chapter works to raise awareness about Alaska’s contribution to domestic energy production for the lower 48. Alaska’s onshore and offshore production are crucial to the oil supply for America’s western region as well as America’s geopolitical presence in the Arctic region and America’s overall consumer energy prices.

Senator McGuire Submits Letter to Secretary Salazar

As a result of CEA- Alaska's outreach work, Senator McGuire sumbitted a letter to Secretary Salazar urging approval of Shell's application for a permit...

U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski Remarks to World Trade Center Alaska

Click here to view U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski’s remarks to World Trade Center Alaska, as given August 17, 2010.

CEA-Alaska Executive Director Dave Harbour Submits Testimony on Offshore Drilling

Click here to view CEA-Alaska Executive Director Dave Harbour’s testimony to Chancellor Fran Ulmer on offshore drilling, as given July 7, 2010.

CEA-Alaska Executive Director Dave Harbour Submits Comments on New Five-Year Program

Click here to view CEA-Alaska Executive Director Dave Harbour's comments on the new five-year program.

Alaska Support Industry Alliance Submits Pro-Development Comments

Click here to view comments submitted to the U.S. Department of the Interior regarding oil and gas development in Alaska, June 22, 2010.

Testimony by Dave Harbour, Air Quality Permit Proposal for Chukchi Sea, AK, Sept. 25,...

Dave Harbour, Executive Director of CEA-Alaska, submitted this testimony regarding an air quality permit proposed for Shell Gulf of Mexico, Inc., to operate the...

Testimony by Dave Harbour, Ocean Policy Task Force Public Meeting, Aug. 21, 2009

Madam Chair and members of the Interagency Ocean Policy Task Force: I am Dave Harbour, a retired Alaska regulatory commissioner.  I publish an energy website and...

CEA Alaska Director in Richmond Paper: “Let Alaska Jumpstart Economy”

"We must unleash our world leadership in conservation and 21st century technology to develop our resources safely. We can stop the economic hemorrhaging caused...