CEA Midwest

With growing domestic energy production, the American Midwest is experiencing a resurgence in economic growth. CEA Midwest gives a voice to Midwest manufacturers and other job creators benefitting from new opportunities afforded by energy production.

Gas station fuel pump octane

David Holt on the Morning Drive with Joel Riley

CEA's David Holt was interviewed by Joel Riley on what families can expect to see when paying at the gas pump. Read more - News...
Ice on electric lines

It’s Time to Upgrade Missouri’s Grid!

Tell Your Legislator It’s Time to Upgrade Missouri’s Grid! Did you know Missouri’s electric utility laws are nearly 100 years old?  Our state's aging electric...
Electricity transmission substation transformers

New CEA Report Warns: No Shale Gas Pipelines, No Electricity

CEA's most recent pipeline infrastructure report was featured in Marcellus Drilling News. Earlier this week the Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) released a disturbing report on...
Monthly natural gas heating bill

Without More Pipelines, Scary Economic Scenarios Become Real

CEA's David Holt was featured in Real Clear Energy discussing how pipelines contribute to ensuring financial stability for families. Energy costs are “affordable” up until...
Laborers working on pipeline

CEA Launches Pipelines Campaign

Midwest Executive Director Chris Ventura discussed the importance of pipelines to farmers and manufacturers. For far too long, constraints on pipeline capacity have prevented consumers,...
Families, Communities and Finances: The Consequences of Denying Critical Pipeline Infrastructure

Report: U.S. Will Lose One-Third of its Electricity Generation Capacity Without More Infrastructure

A new report released today by Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) found that rejecting pipeline infrastructure would remove almost one-third of U.S. electricity generation capacity...
Well pad in winter

Impact of Energy-Friendly Washington on Energy Industry

Oklahoma Energy Today continues it's interview with CEA's Tommy Foltz on the impact of the 2016 election and energy policy. When it comes to the...
Oil derricks in daytime

Consumer Energy Leader Sees “Energy Friendly” People Now in Washington

Oklahoma Energy Today interviewed CEA's Tommy Foltz on the impact of the 2016 election and energy policy. Clearly, the President-elect is very energy friendly as is...
Natural Gas Storage Tanks

Carbon Emissions Down to Lowest Levels in 25 Years – Thanks to the Energy...

Concerned about air emissions? Here’s some good news - emissions in the United States are dropping and have been dropping due to the increased...
Pipeline connection to oil refinery

CEA Issues Statement on Dakota Access Pipeline Decision

Houston, TX — David Holt, president of Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), issued the below statement on President Obama's decision to deny a construction easement...