19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance


CEA Rockies

The Rocky Mountain Region boasts not only majestic views, but a vast landscape for energy development across a diverse set of states. This region is home to a plethora of natural coal and mineral seams, sandstone, shale, and tight rock along with enough sun and wind to supply families and businesses with an ample amount of affordable energy now and in the future.

Electric meters for apartment building

With Europe reeling from high energy costs and rationing the usage of natural gas, CEA’s David Holt examines how misguided energy policies are producing the same results here at home..

Larimer Street in Denver Colorado

CEA’s Andrew Browning talks about the importance of developing a workforce that can tackle to challenges of ensuing the affordable, reliable, and resilient energy Colorado’s families and businesses need to.

People dining in restaurant

CEA President David Holt examines how the lack of a coherent energy policy is negatively impacting American families and businesses and what we must do to ensure affordable prices and.

Riding Bus in Rain

David Holt, President of Consumer Energy Alliance, recently discussed how bad energy policies are causing rampant inflation and historically high energy prices and what policies can help ease the burden.

Denver Colorado Larimer Square

CEA’s Marc Brown joined John Rush to talk about the impact higher energy prices are having on American families and businesses. Listen here – KLZ 560 AM

Father and Daughter Sitting in the Kitchen with Bills

With energy prices rising to unsustainable levels, CEA President David Holt looks at the ineffective political policies that are continuing to drive prices higher while offering practical solutions that will.

Ethanol refinery with farm fields

As energy prices continue their upward trajectory, CEA’s David Holt looks at how government regulations continue to discourage investment in a sustainable, clean energy future. Government action to hammer an.

Oil Tanker

CEA’s Kevin Doyle joined The Global Lane on CBN News to discuss how commonsense energy policies can help the Biden Administration fulfill promises to America’s allies while also proving lower,.

Young woman working at home

CEA’s Andrew Browning joined John Rush to talk about energy affordability for consumers who are seeing rising energy prices everywhere they look. Listen here – KLZ 560 AM

oil and gas

CEA President Holt examines the history of offshore leasing for energy exploration and production and how freezing federal lease sales leads to higher gas prices for families and small businesses..