Regional Chapters

CNC machine shop with lathes, technicians and workers

Natural Gas Helps Our Area

CEA's Chris Ventura looks at how natural gas development in Southeast Ohio has led to improvements in air quality, new employment opportunities, and how...

Group Discusses Energy in Relationship to Election

CEA's Michael Whatley was featured on WTOV Fox 9 following the West Virginia Energy and Manufacturing Forum. Energy is a huge issue in the upcoming election on...
Pipeline construction with welder

Poll Finds Virginia, West Virginia and North Carolina Voters Support Atlantic Coast Pipeline, More...

WASHINGTON, D.C. – A majority of voters in Virginia, West Virginia and North Carolina support the expansion of domestic energy production and infrastructure –...
Onshore fracking well pad

Zinke Talks LNG Exports, Pipeline Constraints, Offshore Wind in PA Visit

Consumer Energy Alliance's Pennsylvania Energy and Manufacturing Forum in Pittsburgh featured Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke discussing the role American energy production in...

CEA in Raleigh to Discuss Impacts of Shale Energy Production

The Associated Press reports on a public hearing in Raleigh, North Carolina focused on proposed hydraulic fracturing regulations in the state, with organizations such...

Michigan and Small Businesses Can’t Afford a Line 5 Shutdown

Shutting down the Line 5 pipeline would force families, businesses and industries in Michigan to pay more than $2.2 billion more for transportation fuel...

Colorado Frack Ban Axed

CEA's Shawn Martini was interviewed by The Progressive Farmer about the Colorado Supreme Court's ruling that local bans on hydraulic fracturing are unconstitutional. “This is...
Kayaking outdoors

Gulf of Mexico Production Helps the US Achieve Climate Targets

Michael Zehr, CEA's Federal Affairs Advisor, recently spoke about the negative impact suspending oil and gas leasing in Gulf of Mexico would have on...
Solar panel installation on roof

Maine Legislators Get Set for Net Metering Vote That Could Impact PUC Ruling

CEA's James Voyles discusses how the Maine legislator needs to make solar affordable for all energy consumers and to ensure solar policies prevent cost...
Senior citizen keeping warm by the fire

Bad Energy Policies May Freeze Out Families With High Prices This Winter: New CEA...

EIA Winter Fuels Outlook Shows New Price Burden for Older Americans, After 1 Million Fell Into Poverty in Last Year WASHINGTON  - Consumer Energy Alliance(CEA),...