Regional Chapters

Family at the Ocean

Comprehensive Energy Policy Helps All Floridians

Brewster Bevis of the Associated Industries of Florida examines how the wrong energy policies enacted at the state and federal level can harm Florida's...

UPCOMING EVENT: “The Impact of the Oil Spill on the Future of Deep Sea...

Don't miss the Aug 19th event - a talk entitled "The Impact of the Oil Spill on the Future of Deep Sea Oil...
Family in the Snow

Marcello Rollando talks Campaign for America’s Energy with CEA VP Brydon Ross

CEA's Brydon Ross joined Marcello Rollando to talk about the importance of affordable energy for families and energy consumers across the country. Listen here - The...

Consumer Energy Alliance Expresses Concern with South Carolina Public Comment Opportunity; Requests Potential Fraudulent...

COLUMBIA, SC -- Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), the leading national consumer advocate on energy issues, today released a statement from CEA President David Holt...
Welder Inside of Pipeline

Public Service Commission Begins Hearing Line 5 Testimony

The Michigan Public Service Commission began hearing testimony on January 14 related to a permit request by Enbridge to relocate a section of the...
Pipeline construction

Additional Pipeline Capacity Would Replace Need For Flaring

Delays in expanding much-needed pipeline infrastructure has led gas that should be going to market and sold for productive uses like generating electricity are...
Offshore oil platform in ocean

‘No Is Never No’: Drilling Foes Say Florida Still in Play

CEA Florida's Keven Doyle spoke about the importance of evaluating all sources of American energy to truly become energy independent. "I think the original plan...

Poll: Maine Voters Support Solar Energy, But Deeply Concerned About Affordable Energy and See...

AUGUSTA, MAINE — Recent polling conducted for Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) examined how Maine voters feel about solar power, including concerns about the availability...
New Orleans, Louisiana bridge over Mississippi

Voice Your Support for Louisiana Infrastructure Development

Our personal and national security depend on the ability to build pipelines in Louisiana, and your voice needs to be heard. American families and small...
Seismic research vessel

Gulf of Mexico to Open up for Offshore Drilling

CEA's Kevin Doyle was recently interviewed about the Trump administration's proposal for offshore energy exploration and how it will impact Florida's families. “Regarding energy development...