19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance


Regional Chapters

Consumer Energy Alliance’s Southeast Director Brydon Ross writes in The Herald Sun about how shale energy development will help North Carolina’s natural gas supply and help the state’s economy flourish..

Despite five Colorado communities restricting hydraulic fracturing since 2012, a statewide poll conducted in mid-February for Consumer Energy Alliance found 60% of likely voters support extracting oil and natural gas.

TALLAHASSEE – The Associated Industries of Florida with its partner Consumer Energy Alliance submitted today to federal officials 24,283 public comments from Florida residents supporting the construction of the Keystone.

HARRISBURG – The Pennsylvania Motor Truck Association and its partner Consumer Energy Alliance submitted today to federal officials 23,591 public comments from Pennsylvania residents supporting the construction of the Keystone.

SPRINGFIELD – The Illinois Petroleum Marketers Association – Illinois Association of Convenience Stores, along with its partner Consumer Energy Alliance, submitted today to federal officials 7,209 public comments from Illinois.

MADISON – The Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce with its partner Consumer Energy Alliance submitted today to federal officials 13,053 public comments from Wisconsin residents supporting the construction of the Keystone.

MONTGOMERY – Manufacture Alabama and its partner Consumer Energy Alliance submitted today to federal officials 15,840 public comments from Alabama residents supporting the construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline. The.

AUSTIN – Keep Texas Working, along with its partner Consumer Energy Alliance, submitted today to federal officials 30,413 public comments from Texas residents supporting the construction of the Keystone XL.

OKLAHOMA CITY – The Oklahoma Oil & Gas Association, along with its partner Consumer Energy Alliance, submitted today to federal officials 5,839 public comments from Oklahoma residents supporting the construction.

LANSING – The Michigan Chamber of Commerce with its partner Consumer Energy Alliance submitted today to federal officials 18,848 public comments from Michigan residents supporting the construction of the Keystone.