Regional Chapters

Offshore Natural Gas Rig

Key Lawmakers, Upstate Business Community, Energy Producers Join SEA in Unveiling New Offshore Energy...

As South Carolina continues to face double-digit unemployment, new report confirms environmentally sound offshore energy production would create 2,250 jobs in the Palmetto State...

South Carolina Outer Continental Shelf Access and Revenue Share Forum

Key lawmakers, upstate chambers and energy producers gathered in Greenville and Spartanburg on September 16, 2009 to unveil a new offshore energy development report. ...

New Campaign Seeks to Educate South Dakotans on Negative Impacts of a Nationwide Low-Carbon...

CEA radio, TV ads appear across the state, remind residents that under a nationwide LCFS, South Dakota's Hyperion refinery is toast WASHINGTON, D.C. -...

Testimony by Dave Harbour, Ocean Policy Task Force Public Meeting, Aug. 21, 2009

Madam Chair and members of the Interagency Ocean Policy Task Force: I am Dave Harbour, a retired Alaska regulatory commissioner.  I publish an energy website and...

CEA Alaska Director in Richmond Paper: “Let Alaska Jumpstart Economy”

"We must unleash our world leadership in conservation and 21st century technology to develop our resources safely. We can stop the economic hemorrhaging caused...