
OCS Governors Set 5 Step Plan for Congress

OCS Governors Urge Their Congressional Delegations to Support OCS Energy Development. Read the letter here. Note:  A similar version of this letter was sent to all 16...

Last Week’s Solar Vote in Georgia and Why it Matters

Imagine if a new offensive play became popular and the NFL decided to mandate that every coach run it exactly 6 times per game. But,...

Promoting Alaskan Energy Production to the Lower 48

***Prepared remarks by CEA President David Holt to the Annual Meeting of the Alaskan Resource Development Council. A slide deck accompanying the address is...

Whatley: President’s Climate Plan Worries Industry, Consumers

President's Climate Plan Worries Industry, Consumers by Michael Whatley Consumer Energy Alliance 7/3/2013 Earlier last week at Georgetown University, President Obama laid out an aggressive plan to...

Feet Dragging on KXL Construction Costing $4 Million in Wages Daily

Nearly 500 days have past since the President vetoed the first Keystone XL proposal. Thousands of jobs and billions in economic growth have stalled...

EIA Finds Price Differential Between Brent and WTI Crude Oil Narrowing

The Energy Information Administration released an analysis showing the Brent-WTI spread has narrowed from more than $23 per barrel in mid-February to $9/bbl in...

Afternoon Energy: Is there a way to approve Keystone XL without President Obama?

Consumer Energy Alliance President, David Holt, sits down and answers consumer questions. Douglas P. from Indiana wants to know, "Is there anyway to approve...
White House with Marine One Parked on Lawn

The President’s Climate Action Plan: Good, Bad, Indifferent?

Earlier this week at Georgetown University, President Obama laid out an aggressive plan to attack climate change, exclusively through executive action. In fact, according...

What about Keystone XL?

It would seem that President Obama gave a tacit approval of the Keystone XL pipeline yesterday saying he would NOT approve the pipeline if...

National Academy Examines Impact of Dilbit on Pipelines

The National Academy of Sciences released a new report today, Special Report 311: Effects of Diluted Bitumen on Crude Oil Transmission Pipelines, refuting many claims...