
Issue of the week: Natural Gas

The United States continues to see breakthroughs in natural gas: Not only in the multiple shale formations around the country, that are producing volumes...

Issue of the week: Eagle Ford Shale

There was a bit of unusual news in the oil sector this week when a major Tokyo company paid $1.3 billion for a 35%...

Resolutions for all of us

You probably would not be surprised to learn that the majority of New Year’s resolutions concern two topics: weight and finances. In the spirit...

Encouraging news as long awaited lease sale goes forward

A long-awaited lease sale for oil production in the Gulf of Mexico was held last Tuesday, despite a last minute-lawsuit to block it, and...

Simple logic in Alaska

There was a curious scene in oil-rich Alaska this week. When a massive winter storm blocked normal fuel deliveries, the city of Nome received...

Turning point, or business as usual in the Gulf?

Oil producers, together with all sorts of businesses that have long supported the oil industry in the Gulf of Mexico, are hopeful about a...

No time for delays in Alaska

A diverse group of Alaskan residents, including U.S. Congressmen, Alaskan Governor Sean Parnell, business owners, community leaders and ordinary workers who all support oil...

The big picture and the nitty-gritty

We’ve spent the month of October thinking big and encouraging our supporters, along with children everywhere, to do the same. The ability of Americans...

Energy, youth and our future

One of the many fascinating exhibits the 12,000 guests of Energy Day enjoyed this past weekend was the winning plan – designed by four...

The technology of energy and the energy of technology

This Saturday, at Hermann Square Park in downtown Houston, CEA will showcase some of the latest technologies that are letting us find more fuel,...