Deep Water: The Gulf Oil Disaster and the Future of Offshore Drilling National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling Highlights of Key Recommendations Below are.
Happy New Year. Get ready to pay more at the pump. You have probably heard all the news that gas prices are up and are poised to move even higher..
For those of us in Texas, this one hits closely to home. As technology improves and natural gas plays across the country become even more of a stronghold of the.
Humans have been using wind power for many thousands of years. From transportation uses such as ships and sailboats, to the creation of the windmill, and now to fancy high-tech.
In a nation such as ours, under a government such as ours, it is a magnificent privilege for all persons to be able to possess an opinion and have the.
Algae have been in existence for many millions of years. (Since the Precambrian Era to be exact.) We probably remember studying its various forms in middle school biology class, or.
As a result of CEA- Alaska’s outreach work, Senator McGuire sumbitted a letter to Secretary Salazar urging approval of Shell’s application for a permit to drill in the Beaufort Sea..
We recently wrote about the carbon “toeprint” involved in airport travel: that is, all the little things that are often overlooked — like fuel guzzling shuttle buses or travelers driving.
This winter, many seniors who have the means to do so will head south to Florida and other warm locales where they will soak up the sun and wait out.
The Obama Administration has announced it will lift the moratorium on deep water drilling in the Gulf of Mexico – about six weeks before it was due to expire next.