
Algae: No Longer Simply Pond Scum!

Algae have been in existence for many millions of years. (Since the Precambrian Era to be exact.) We probably remember studying its various forms...

Senator McGuire Submits Letter to Secretary Salazar

As a result of CEA- Alaska's outreach work, Senator McGuire sumbitted a letter to Secretary Salazar urging approval of Shell's application for a permit...

Airport “Toeprints”: A Postscript…

We recently wrote about the carbon “toeprint” involved in airport travel: that is, all the little things that are often overlooked -- like fuel...

Why Seniors Dread Winter

This winter, many seniors who have the means to do so will head south to Florida and other warm locales where they will soak...

Lifting the Drilling Moratorium; A Thanks and a Plea

The Obama Administration has announced it will lift the moratorium on deep water drilling in the Gulf of Mexico – about six weeks before...

Energy Day 2010: Our Energy is Our Power

This week, CEA takes a step back from the various issues that concern us each day, to celebrate energy – in all its forms...

Solar Panels at the White House

Just last month, people were wondering why the Obama White House would not install solar panels, even when asked point blank to do so....

Footprints and Toeprints: Share Your Airport Experiences

If you’re like most people, when you think about travel-related energy consumption, you think about the big things: The size of the car, the...

Clean Energy’s Killer App?

We’ve talked a lot in this blog about renewable energy sources like solar and wind, as these two seem to be garnering the bulk...

Can Wal-Mart Move the Needle on Solar?

It’s the kind of deal you don’t hear about every day: The world’s largest retailer (that’s Wal-Mart Stores) recently announced plans to add solar...