
High power electricity grid powering the city

What’s Your Solution for An Aging Grid

After a long day, it’s nice to come home, flip on the lights and turn on the TV while you change clothes and get...
Fake News

News vs Agenda: Discerning Energy Fact from Fiction

By Bryson Hull Real news gives us facts about important issues like energy, the economy, the environment and anything else that matters to us. As...
Turning Off Surge Protector

Between All Your Devices, What Would You Charge First If You Had to Choose?

Consumers in the U.S. are heading towards a fascinating era in energy innovation. Some predict that by 2030, a tenth of vehicles worldwide will be...
U.S. Capitol building at night in Washington, D.C.

State of the Union – To Boost the Middle Class, Look to Energy

President Obama will deliver his seventh State of the Union address this evening. From what we know based on a preview of his speech,...
Mortgage Rates

I Thought We Had A Locked Mortgage Rate, Why Is It Going Up?

For the most part, when I open my bills in the mail, I know what to expect. Yeah, I know some people like the...

Keystone XL impact on Diplomatic Relations with Venezuela and the Middle East

Keystone XL will displace imports of crude oil from Venezuela.  During the first installment of the North American Energy Security Dialogues which took place...

Tug boat operator tells Congress to give a toot about offshore

Testifying before a U.S. House committee reviewing the impact of offshore energy exploration, an executive from Gulf of Mexico based Crosby Tuggs outlined the...

Distributed Solar: A more efficient way to tap the sun

Traditionally, one the biggest problems with solar power has been rain. Make that rain, clouds and all the other kinds of less-than-sunny weather that...
Tiny house

When It Comes to Homes, Bigger Isn’t Always Better

Some people say that bigger is better when it comes to homes, but not always. Sometimes, bigger just means bigger, more expensive, and oftentimes...
food safety

What’s Your Solution for Food Safety?

Much of what we eat is packaged to keep it fresh until someone purchases it and takes it home to eat. This is why...