In The Media

Ethanol refinery with farm fields

The Greatest Energy Mistake Ever Made

As energy prices continue their upward trajectory, CEA's David Holt looks at how government regulations continue to discourage investment in a sustainable, clean energy...
Worker in a manufacturing facility

No Need to Feel Guilty About Reliance on Utica Shale Gas

CEA's report, The Benefits of Ohio’s Natural Gas Production to Energy Consumers and Job Creators, analyzed the savings reduced natural gas prices brought to Ohio's...

Letter: Natural gas can help fuel economy

Long known as a great source of energy for heating our homes and cooking our food, natural gas is increasingly being called upon these...
Propane Tanks in the Winter

Nessel’s Line 5 Lawsuits Could Drive up Your Heating Bill This Fall

CEA's recent independent study assessing job losses and economic impacts in Michigan from a political shutdown of Line 5 was recently cited as propane prices reach...
Solar panel installation

Solar Incentives Support US Energy Goals

Brydon Ross, Vice President of State Affairs, was featured in Real Clear Energy discussing CEA's most recent solar energy report. Many state lawmakers and utility commissions nationwide...
Mother and little son in the car reading

CEA: Energy Development Touches Everyone in the US

CEA's Andrew Browning had the opportunity to talk about how energy production in Colorado impacts the budgets of families across the state. “When there is...

Calif. Policy Makers Should Act on LCFS

An update on CEA's court challenge to California's Low Carbon Fuel Standard law. Oil & Gas Journal:  A federal appeals court in California refused to accept...
Oil and Gas Refinery Workers

White House Touts Clean Energy Economy, but Oil and Gas Experts Skeptical

CEA President David Holt sat down with KTRH to discuss the importance of supplying more American oil and natural gas to help ease the...

Pipelines for America – New Campaign Counters Pipeline Lies

Marcellus Drilling News covered the recently launched Pipelines for America campaign. With the low price of natural gas and oil currently in place–and not letting...
Down power lines and electric equipment in residential neighborhood

Retired First Responders Help DTE Handle Storms’ Aftermath

As electric utilities across the country look to improve storm response, CEA Midwest Executive Director talked about a new program being deployed in Michigan...