In The Media

Whatley interview with Istook LIVE

CEA Executive Vice-President Michael Whatley is a guest on Ernest Istook: Istook Live.
Pipeline construction with welder

Brydon Ross on the Economic Benefit of Pipelines

CEA's Brydon Ross joined Dom Giordano on Philadelphia's 1210 WPHT to talk about the human impact of the cancellation of pipelines and how our...

CEA in Raleigh to Discuss Impacts of Shale Energy Production

The Associated Press reports on a public hearing in Raleigh, North Carolina focused on proposed hydraulic fracturing regulations in the state, with organizations such...
Welder welding stainless steel big pipe

Help Wanted (and Fast): The Alarming Talent shortage in Colorado’s Energy Sector

CEA's Andrew Browning examines the need for a skilled workforce to tackle Colorado's energy transition. The next major pipeline the energy industry in Colorado (and...
Family game night

Off-shore Leasing

CEA Southeast Executive Director Tim Page commented on the importance of offshore energy exploration to South Carolina's economy. The development of offshore resources will help...
Charleston West Virginia Energy Rally

Rally for Lower Energy Costs Starts With You

At 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, February 21st West Virginians from across the state will rally in Charleston in support of the economic opportunities provided...
Mother and Son Cooking

Price of Thanksgiving Staples Continue to Rise Due to High Energy Costs

As families prepare for Thanksgiving, food inflation continues to be a burden.  CEA's David Holt talks about the link between energy costs and what...
Family riding bikes in the woods

There’s Low-cost Energy to Be Had, but Not for New England

As New England prepares for another uncertain winter, CEA's Marc Brown explores the policies that are causing the region's electricity bills to surge ahead...

Group Discusses Energy in Relationship to Election

CEA's Michael Whatley was featured on WTOV Fox 9 following the West Virginia Energy and Manufacturing Forum. Energy is a huge issue in the upcoming election on...