In The Media

Rooftop Solar

CEA Working for Fair Solar Metering in Pueblo, Colorado

Last year, Colorado ranked 11th of all states for installed solar capacity – which is excellent progress. This progress has been achieved by the...
Wilson Dam in Alabama

Offshore Energy a Must for Alabama Manufacturing

With industrial energy consumers accounting for almost half of Alabama's energy usage, CEA's Brent Greenfield discusses how Alabama can increase the supply of energy...
Family Holidays

Affordable Energy: Let’s Find Real Solutions

As we head into the holidays, many of us will take the time to help those who have fallen upon hard times. Our neighbors and...

Fuel agreement wrong for state

The following op-ed from Michael Whatley, Vice President of Consumer Energy Alliance, appeared in the Stamford Advocate here on June 25, 2010. Just as the...

CEA hosts press conference to urge approval of Keystone XL Pipeline

The Florida Current reports on the Tallahassee press conference that Consumer Energy Alliance - Florida hosted in the State Capitol to urge the White...
Santa Fe hillside houses

Energy Bill Not Good For State

CEA's Victoria Gonzales examines the unintended consequences and negative impacts New Mexico's "Energy Transition Act" will have on the state's economy. About 80 percent of...

How shale impact fees continue to help Pennsylvanians

Consumer Energy Alliance Mid-Atlantic Director Mike Butler penned an op-ed for regarding the benefits of shale impact fees from shale production companies to...

Obama Acts to Ban Offshore Drilling in Arctic and East Coast

CEA's President, David Holt, was quoted by East County Magazine discussing the recent ban on offshore energy exploration. As anti-energy activists cheer the announcement as...
Offshore wind farm

Offshore Energy Resources Could Help the State

Tim Page, CEA Southeast's Executive Director, looks at how offshore energy development from wind turbines to offshore platforms could help improve economic conditions across...

David Holt: Greater Use Of Nuclear Necessary

The following op-ed from David Holt, President of Consumer Energy Alliance, appeared on the National Journal website here, in response to the discussion question...