Energy Industry Holds the Key to Area’s Recovery
CEA's Kaitlin Schmidtke reviews how the growth in jobs tied to the energy industry is helping to lower unemployment and create new opportunities for...
Offshore Drilling Could Bring Prices Down
CEA's Kevin Doyle examines how harmful energy policies can lead to increasing the financial burden of working families and those living on fixed incomes.
Utilize Our Natural Resources
CEA Midwest Executive Director Chris Ventura discusses how areas across the state are witnessing higher levels of economic development and employment as a result...
Why Banning Oil Drilling Miles Offshore Is a Bad Idea
Kevin Doyle, CEA Florida's Executive Director talks about the importance of offshore energy to the growth of Florida's economy and energy consumers across the...
Group Touts Natural Gas Savings, Wants More Pipeline Capacity, Fracking
CEA's Mike Butler looks at how New York's politicians are closing the door on providing families affordable energy as moratoriums on natural gas are...
Stance Against Seismic Testing Shortsighted
CEA's Makayla Buchanan discusses how some lawmakers stance against seismic testing is shortsighted, harming families and businesses across Georgia.
Tax revenue generated by offshore production...
Minnesota Tribe Asks: Can Wild Rice Have Its Own Legal Rights?
CEA Midwest Executive Director was interviewed on techniques used by extreme activist groups that try to abuse the U.S. legal system in their attempts...
Western Caucus Addresses Green New Deal
CEA's Michael Zehr discussed the consumer impact of the Green New Deal with households across the country requiring over $244 billion just to replace...
Senate Solar Bill Defended
CEA's Brydon Ross commented on the importance of the recently introduced bill in the Kentucky Senate designed to support the expansion of solar energy...
Cracker Not a ‘Con’
With increasing support for an Appalachian Basin Storage Hub taking root, extreme activists are working to discredit the need for plastics, choosing to ignore...