Penneast Pipeline Project Is a Safe Way to Get Affordable Energy
CEA's Mid-Atlantic Executive Director Mike Butler addresses the misleading arguments elected officials are now using against modernizing our energy infrastructure and how they harm...
Energy-project Opponents Cost Us Money, Security
CEA's Chris Ventura discusses the harmful economic and environmental consequences of the Keep It in the Ground movement, and what that would mean for...
Stop Hurting Environment American Energy Protecting
David Holt, CEA's President, addresses the recent increase in extremists attempting to sabotage or tamper with America's energy infrastructure - and the real, deadly...
Families, Businesses Will Benefit from Line 3
CEA's Midwest Executive Director, Chris Ventura, talks about the latest extremist tactic designed to deny Minnesota's families access to the energy they need to...
Ocasio-Cortez’s Dream of ‘greening’ Every American Home Has a Massive Price Tag
CEA President David Holt commented on the recent CEA analysis finding that just one part of the Green New Deal would cost families across...
Don’t Penalize Shale Gas Drillers
Mike Butler, CEA Mid-Atlantic Executive Director, reviews the benefits shale gas has brought to residents across Pennsylvania.
Any suggestion that the shale gas industry is...
Offshore Oil Will Help Poor
CEA's Kevin Doyle explains how offshore energy production helps make energy costs more affordable for working families and seniors living on fixed incomes while...
A Growing West Virginia Should Make Everyone Happy, But Not Everyone Is
CEA's Chris Ventura and West Virginia Oil & Natural Gas Association's Anne Blankenship discuss how developing West Virginia's natural resources has had a positive...
Banning Offshore Drilling May Hurt Florida’s Economy
CEA's Kevin Doyle outlines how calls to ban offshore drilling may hurt Florida's economy and households, already struggling to afford $2500 in energy bills...
Homegrown Energy
CEA's Kevin Doyle talks about the importance of offshore energy exploration and how our environmental regulations, together with advances in technology, allow our country...