CEA President David Holt was interviewed on how rising gas and oil prices are impacting Texas’ economy. Texas is the leader in energy production once again, which is where we.
CEA Mid-Atlantic Executive Director Mike Butler discusses the impact energy has on employment and economic development in Pennsylvania and the effect lower energy prices have on stretched family budgets. Working.
CEA’s David Holt discusses how improving our energy infrastructure can spur economic growth, promote environmental safety, and help put Americans back to work. Instead of leaning on more reactive social.
CEA’s Brydon Ross sat down with Isaac Orr to discuss a range of issues which unnecessarily cause families and small businesses to pay more for energy – from gasoline to.
CEA’s Brydon Ross was quoted discussing the need for critical energy infrastructure in New England. According to Brydon Ross, CEA’s vice president for state affairs in comments to Rigzone, “In.
CEA President David Holt recently joined Jacki Daily to discuss how energy infrastructure is permitted. Listen here – The Jacki Daily Show
.CEA Florida’s Kevin Doyle recently discussed offshore energy exploration with the New Press. We urge them to support modern seismic surveys in the Mid and South-Atlantic to see what may.
CEA’s David Holt discusses how the lack of a quorum at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has harmed energy consumers. “We’ve never had a situation like this before, with such.
CEA’s Kevin Doyle discusses why our elected officials must balance energy security and environmental protection in order to ensure a stronger, healthier economy for families and small businesses. Our elected.
Michael Whatley’s testimony on the beneficial impact offshore energy exploration will have on family budgets and job creation was covered by Daily Energy Insider. OCS development is estimated to create.