CEA’s David Holt was featured in Real Clear Energy discussing how pipelines contribute to ensuring financial stability for families. Energy costs are “affordable” up until a certain point. That tipping.
Midwest Executive Director Chris Ventura discussed the importance of pipelines to farmers and manufacturers. For far too long, constraints on pipeline capacity have prevented consumers, manufacturers and farmers in the.
CEA’s latest report, Families, Communities and Finances: The Consequences of Denying Critical Pipeline Infrastructure was discussed on the Radio Oklahoma Network. Oklahoma and Texas and other states that make up.
Politico covered the recent release of CEA’s Families, Communities and Finances: The Consequences of Denying Critical Pipeline Infrastructure report. The Consumer Energy Alliance will release a report Monday finding the.
CEA’s latest report, Families, Communities and Finances: The Consequences of Denying Critical Pipeline Infrastructure, and David Holt were featured in Green Tech Lead. Rejecting pipeline infrastructure would remove almost one-third.
CEA’s latest report Families, Communities and Finances: The Consequences of Denying Critical Pipeline Infrastructure was covered by Targeted News Service The Natural Gas Supply Association issued the following statement by.
CEA President David Holt discussed the importance of energy infrastructure with the Daily Energy Insider. “There’s really very little recognition of the negative impacts failing to build pipelines will have.
CEA’s David Holt was interviewed on the necessity of pipeline construction for generating electricity for families and manufacturers. As natural gas continues replacing coal as a primary fuel for generating.
CEA’s solar energy report, Incentivizing Solar Energy: An In-Depth Analysis of U.S. Solar Incentives, was used to look at how Georgia’s current solar incentives compare to neighboring states. Homeowners in.
CEA’s David Holt was quoted discussing the economic importance of offshore energy exploration. The U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) recently denied six permit applications to conduct air gun.