19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance


In The Media

Pipeline worker in pipe

CEA’s Andrew Browning was featured in coverage of the North Dakota Petroleum Council’s annual meeting. North Dakota gubernatorial candidate Doug Burgum was first to mention the Dakota Access Pipeline during.

Pipeline and shutoff valves

CEA Mid-Atlantic Executive Director Mike Butler was covered by WJPA as he spoke about the importance of pipelines for the Washington County Chamber of Commerce. The Washington County Chamber of.

CEA’s Andrew Browning was interviewed by Wyoming Public Radio following the North Dakota Petroleum Council’s annual meeting. The Obama Administration’s decision to temporarily halt construction on part of the 1,200-mile.

Electric transmission lines

CEA Vice President Michael Whatley was recently featured in E&E following his presentation at the Southern States Energy Board. The greater Southeast has transitioned to an “all of the above”.

Solar energy farm

Consumer Energy Alliance’s solar incentive analysis was featured in an article in the Sun Sentinel. Solar energy is getting more attention than ever in Florida thanks to two ballot measures.

Solar energy farm

Consumer Energy Alliance’s solar incentive analysis was featured in an op-ed by North Carolina State Rep. Chris Millis. Imagine for a moment you are a North Carolina hog farmer, and.

Solar panel installation on roof

CEA Florida’s Kevin Doyle recently had an op-ed in the Miami Herald regarding CEA’s solar incentive analysis. Solar energy is clean, reliable, increasingly affordable, and thanks to the popularity of.

Stack of pipelines

Andrew Browning was interviewed by KFYR-TV in Bismarck following his presentation on pipeline infrastructure. “We believe energy is a really basic necessity like food, clothing and shelter. Energy would be.

Oil derricks in daytime

Andrew Browning joined Scott Hennen on K-FYR 550 AM to discuss the state of energy. Listen here – K-FYR 550 AM

Laser cutting of metal sheet in tool shop

CEA’s Andrew Browning discussion of the Pipelines for America campaign was covered by Minot Area News. “We are here to represent of you know what’s really kind of been missing.