In The Media

Father and Daughter Sitting in the Kitchen with Bills

The Biden Administration’s Aimless Energy Policy Is Gambling With America’s Economy

With energy prices rising to unsustainable levels, CEA President David Holt looks at the ineffective political policies that are continuing to drive prices higher...
Family at Sunset

On the Air With Joel Riley and Brydon Ross

CEA's Brydon Ross joined Joel Riley to discuss CEA's latest report, The Benefits of Ohio’s Natural Gas Production to Energy Consumers and Job Creators, detailing how...

Building the Bakken

CEA's Brydon Ross was interviewed on the importance of pipelines in America, especially those in the Bakken oil fields. Read more - Oilman Magazine
Man putting gas in car

Drilling Setbacks Would Be a Job Killer for Colorado

CEA's Emily Haggstrom discusses the lost opportunities and higher energy prices that will result anti-energy activists embracing politics instead of sound science. Initiative 97 –...
Tanker truck with American flag

Our Energy Policy Is Fundamentally Broken

CEA's David Holt joined Nevada Newsmakers to discuss America's fundamentally broken energy policy. Listen here - Nevada Newsmakers
Senior citizen keeping warm by the fire

Big Change in Buying Power Contracts Being Advanced in NH Legislature

With New Englanders continuing to struggle with high electricity bills, CEA's Marc Brown testified in support of legislation that would help reduce energy costs...
Worker in a manufacturing facility

We Need All Available Resources to Meet Our Energy Needs

CEA Mid-Atlantic Executive Director Mike Butler discusses the impact energy has on employment and economic development in Pennsylvania and the effect lower energy prices...
Grandparent helping with homework

Coloradans’ Votes Don’t Matter to State’s Democratic Leaders

Consumer Energy Alliance's report, The Importance of Affordable and Abundant Oil and Natural Gas for Colorado, on the savings Colorado's families and businesses have...
Seismic research vessel

Gulf of Mexico to Open up for Offshore Drilling

CEA's Kevin Doyle was recently interviewed about the Trump administration's proposal for offshore energy exploration and how it will impact Florida's families. “Regarding energy development...
Linemen Working on Transformer

Running Our Electric Grid Is Becoming More Like a Magic Show

Grid operators could double as magicians these days. The fact of the matter is that we are increasing our energy portfolios, relying on both...