‘Smart Solar’ Amendment Beneficial for Floridians
CEA's Kevin Doyle discusses how solar energy can benefit all Floridians.
Solar energy technology has the power to spark a dramatic and global change in...
FPL, Turkey Point, Not the Boogeyman
Keven Doyle, CEA Florida Executive Director, discusses how nuclear power is an importance part of Florida's clean, carbon-free energy mix.
Anti-nuclear-power groups will use any...
Fact Over Fiction On Atlantic Offshore Energy
David Holt was featured on Townhall discussing the importance of Atlantic energy exploration and sets the record straight on misleading claims by anti-development activists.
Farmers Need Consistently Affordable Energy
CEA Midwest Executive Director Chris Ventura discusses the importance of energy to today's family farmer.
More than 75,000 Ohio farmers help bring food to our...
Misinformation About Nuclear Plant Thriving
CEA's Kevin Doyle addresses misinformation spread by anti-nuclear activists who want to shut down America's primary source of clean, carbon-free energy.
Anti-nuclear power groups will...
Decision Clears the Path for Clean Line Project
Sequoyah County Times talked about CEA's support of transmission line infrastructure to bring clean, renewable energy from wind farms to consumers.
An unprecedented decision by...
The Energy Makers Show: Episode 232
CEA's David Holt appeared on The Energy Makers Show to discuss how consumers are impacted by the cost of energy.
Barbara Brandl Denson visits with...
Loss of Drilling, Titan Leaves Cape Fear’s Industrial Future Open-ended
CEA Executive Vice President Michael Whatley discusses the loss of jobs and income that results from banning offshore energy exploration.
Pro-drilling groups have lambasted the...
U.S. Consumers – and the Economy – Need Access to Affordable and Reliable Energy
CEA's Chris Ventura and Brydon Ross discuss the need for affordable, reliable energy for America's families and small businesses with Coal People Magazine.
In addition...
Fact Checking the Atlantic Offshore Lease Decision
The Maritime Executive noted the Consumer Energy Alliance fact check on the Department of Interior's decision to prevent access to America's offshore energy resources...