
Wind industry to Obama: Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water

Last week we offered a general overview of the Obama administration’s new Ocean Policy Task Force and expressed our concerns that this well-intentioned effort...

CEA Applauds Gov. Landry and Louisiana Legislators for Maximizing Energy Choices and Advancing CCS

Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), the leading advocate for sensible energy policies that provide all available energy choices for families, small businesses, manufacturers, and farmers,...

Consumer Group Lauds Appreciation for Continued Conversations on Offshore Exploration

COLUMBIA, SC – Following meetings today between U.S. Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke, Governor McMaster, and legislative members in Columbia today, Consumer Energy...
Pipeline construction

Additional Pipeline Capacity Would Replace Need For Flaring

Delays in expanding much-needed pipeline infrastructure has led gas that should be going to market and sold for productive uses like generating electricity are...

Issue of the Week: High gas prices and how actions matter

We hear a lot these days about high and rising gas prices and almost as much about how this is a very complex issue....
Pipeline worker in pipe

Michiganders Need the Great Lakes Tunnel

Consumer Energy Alliance's independent, third-party report Enbridge Line 5 | Shutdown Impacts on Transportation Fuel which examined the consumer impact of shutting down Line...

Consumer Energy Alliance Welcomes New Member Nebraskans for Jobs and Energy Independence

Consumer Energy Alliance Welcomes New Member Nebraskans for Jobs and Energy Independence HOUSTON – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is pleased to welcome Nebraskans for Jobs...

Offshore drilling a winner in tight contests

WASHINGTON — Arctic drilling may not be a top tier topic in the Nov. 4 mid-term elections, but new polling suggests that endorsing oil...

CEA Welcomes Wisconsin Motor Carriers Association as Newest Affiliate Member

CEA Welcomes Wisconsin Motor Carriers Association as Newest Affiliate Member HOUSTON – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is pleased to welcome the Wisconsin Motor Carriers Association (WMCA)...
Colorado River Walk in Pueblo

Consumer Group Expresses Disappointment with Governor Polis after Signing SB-181 Leaving Uncertainty for Families...

Signed bill too nebulous and doesn’t account for all of Colorado’s energy consumers Denver, CO — Today, Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), the nation’s leading consumer...