
David Holt: Oil and Water, Why Offshore Drilling and Environmental Protection Are More Compatible...

David Holt, President of Consumer Energy Alliance, submitted the following Op-Ed to on September 15, 2009. View here. Oil and Water: Why Offshore Drilling...

$2 Gas Makes for a Happy Holiday Season!

Planning on traveling for the holidays? Your road trip will be cheaper this year thanks to record levels of U.S. and Canadian oil production...

CEA Interviewed about Winter Energy Tips

Consumer Energy Alliance's Midwest Director Ryan Scott discusses 10 tips for consumers to save money on winter energy bills with Fox-45 in Dayton, Ohio.

Thanksgiving Energy Savings – How to Travel For Less

It’s that time of year again and the holiday season is underway – and there’s something about pumpkin pie, turkey and spending time with...

Fourth Annual CEA Energy Day Festival a Success

Twenty five thousand people turned out Saturday, along with more than 70 exhibitors, to applaud dozens of Houston area teachers and students who were...

Taking the drilling debate south for the winter

Texas. California. Alaska. And now, Florida. That’s the latest site of what has become a series of heated debates over offshore drilling. All around...

Where do we go from here?

Four months ago, the tragic accident on the Deepwater Horizon set oil and gas drilling operations across the Gulf of Mexico on a different...
Steel mill worker over furnace

Energy Sector Key in Ohio Economic Development

Speakers at CEA's 2018 Ohio Energy and Manufacturing Forum focused on the need for embracing an energy dialogue that allows for a diverse mix...
Energy Star Logo

What Is Energy Star?

If you have appliances, home electronics or a heating and cooling system, you may have noticed an Energy Star label on one - or...