
Foltz addresses AIPRO Annual Meeting

Tommy Foltz, Executive Director of CEA-South, was a speaker at Arkansas Independent Producers & Royalty Owners Annual Meeting on Sept. 30, 2009. Below is...

CEA Praises Bipartisan, Bicameral Congressional Efforts on Expanding Domestic Offshore Energy Production

WASHINGTON – September 21, 2009   Following a letter from nearly 100 House Republicans, led by Reps. Doc Hastings (R-WA), Rob Bishop (R-UT), and Tom...
Semi trucks on the road

Consumer Advocate Warns: Transportation & Climate Initiative Risks Adding Billions in Costs & Taxes...

WASHINGTON  - A newly proposed 12-state initiative put forth by an unaccountable quasi-public body run out of a private university in the name of...

An inconsistent “buy American” policy

Last week we had the fortunate timing of blogging about the value of good home insulation on the same day that President Obama renewed...
OPEC building

Saudi Oilfield Drone Attacks Underscore Need to Keep Growing U.S. Energy Independence

Without energy production revolution, cost to consumers would have been higher Houston - Consumer Energy Alliance President David Holt released the following statement today in...
Providence Rhode Island

Rhode Island Energy Costs Among the Worst in Nation

Brydon Ross, CEA Vice-President of State Affairs, discusses why Rhode Islanders face residential electricity rates 69% higher than the national average. These prices are the...
Oil barrels

President Trump Is Right to Respond to Oil and Gas Warfare

The Trump Administration took a stance on boosting oil and gas prices in a counter move to manipulation from Saudi Arabia and Russia. CEA...

U.S. Needs Multiple Sources to Generate Electricity

Mobile, AL was the site for the Gulf Coast energy forum. Consumer Energy Alliance partnered with PACE to host the forum on the future...
Cars in Traffic

Market Economics and Current Energy Demand

Every day, we are subjected to a new crisis by media and loud political voices. It can be wearisome and unbearable. They often channel...

Consumer Energy Alliance Disappointed at Shortsighted Five-Year Plan from Obama Administration

HOUSTON, TX: Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) President David Holt responded to today’s release of the U.S. Department of the Interior’s Proposed Final 2012-2017 Outer...