Houston, TX – Consumer Energy Alliance welcomes Brett A. Vassey, President & CEO of the Virginia Manufacturers Association, to its board of directors. “Long joined at the hip, energy and.
CEA-Texas Executive Director David Blackmon writing at asks a pretty good question: If you're against everything, what are you for? By contrast, these Occupy Anti-development activists appear to simply.
John P. Heimlich is the current chair of the board of directors for Consumer Energy Alliance. He is also the Vice President and Chief Economist at Airlines for America. We.
Technological Advances Help to Minimize Impact on Environment TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – This week, Consumer Energy Alliance will participate at the public hearings in Tallahassee and Panama City Beach which are.
Royal Dutch Shell CEO Peter Voser was singing CEA’s tune in a speech given in Boston on Thursday when he called for the United States to make investments in a.
CEA Florida gathered legislators together in Tallahassee on Monday for a quick course on an “all of the above” energy policy. The Florida Current: Consumer Energy Alliance nudges legislators on.
Testifying before a U.S. House committee reviewing the impact of offshore energy exploration, an executive from Gulf of Mexico based Crosby Tuggs outlined the economic impact: Cory Kief, Director of.
The Congressional Research service issued a report finding that oil and gas production fell on Federal lands despite increases in production overall due to increased development on private lands. The.
CEA Executive Vice-President Michael Whatley is a guest on Ernest Istook: Istook Live.
.Writing at Time Magazine's Swamp Land Blog, foreign policy expert Fareed Zakaria makes his argument for why the U.S. should sign off on building the Keystone XL pipeline. One way.