
CEA Applauds BOEMRE Efforts to Streamline Offshore Wind Leasing

CEA Applauds BOEMRE Efforts to Streamline Offshore Wind Leasing Decision Closes Week of Debate, Support for Domestic Energy Production WASHINGTON -- The Bureau of Ocean Energy...

House Passes Final OCS Bills, Gives Hope to Concerned Consumers

House Passes Final OCS Bills, Gives Hope to Concerned Consumers House Agrees to Set Permitting Timelines and Move Forward with Progressive Leasing Plan to Increase...

CEA applauds vote in U.S. House to develop energy resources offshore

CEA applauds vote in U.S. House to develop energy resources offshore WASHINGTON – New access to abundant energy resources offshore could soon be granted to...

Progress and silver linings

This week, we take a break from the significant challenges facing the national economy and our national energy policy that we have detailed exhaustively...
Offshore oil rig with workers

Coastal Governors Announce Formation of Outer Continental Shelf Governors Coalition

Coastal Governors Announce Formation of Outer Continental Shelf Governors Coalition U.S. State Officials Use OTC Conference As A Forum to Discuss More Federal-State Communication on...

May 2011 Newsletter

May 2011 CEA Newsletter Issue 50 While you read this newsletter In the time it takes you to read this month’s newsletter, the United States will have...

$116 billion and counting

What can you buy for $116 billion? When it comes to imported oil, not all that much actually. $116 billion is the amount the...

More Energy Now Tells Obama Administration to Reduce Dependence on Foreign Oil

More Energy Now Tells Obama Administration to Reduce Dependence on Foreign Oil Consumer Energy Alliance launches online campaign giving consumers direct line to the White...

Letter: Natural gas can help fuel economy

Long known as a great source of energy for heating our homes and cooking our food, natural gas is increasingly being called upon these...

Lessons to be learned

David Holt Guest Columnist Anniversaries have long provided us a chance to look back on the past, look ahead to the future and stare straight into...