If it sounds too good to be true, that’s often because it is. You may have recently heard about a new car fueled entirely with water. Early reviews of the.
CEA: President Pursues Every Energy Option Except Access to Domestic Energy Resources WASHINGTON – Following President Barack Obama’s remarks today on America’s energy security and the testimony presented this morning.
Frequent readers of this blog will recall that we often bemoan the way consumers are left paying the price for a national energy policy that relies too strongly on oil.
We’re starting to see the other shoe drop. When oil prices first shoot up, there is a tendency – at least among those of us with a measure of disposable.
CEA:“Use It or Lose It” Legislation Wrong Approach; Access to Domestic Energy Resources Needed WASHINGTON – Following a press conference today by Senators Robert Menendez (D-NJ) and Bill Nelson (D-FL).
National Poll Confirms Majority of Americans Support Developing Domestic Resources Americans Increasingly Concerned about Access to Affordable Energy and Escalating Energy Prices Washington, DC – Today Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA).
CEA: President Addresses Energy Problem, But More Access to Domestic Energy Resources Needed Alliance Continues to Urge for Expanded American Energy Production to Relieve Escalating Energy Prices WASHINGTON – Following.
Two years ago, this solar power group gave the sunny state of Florida a grade of “C” for its success – you might say lack thereof – with introducing solar.
By Dave Harbour Alaska Standard Contributor Touring campuses around the country last year, the West Virginia environmental lawyer told his UAA audience that activists should stop coal and other development.
Last month, when President Obama unveiled the Better Buildings Initiative to provide incentives for businesses to become more energy efficient, we were reminded how efficiency is a critical, but often.