Bringing Solar Power to the Sunshine State
Two years ago, this solar power group gave the sunny state of Florida a grade of “C” for its success – you might say...
Alaska’s Future: A Battle of Wills
By Dave Harbour
Alaska Standard Contributor
Touring campuses around the country last year, the West Virginia environmental lawyer told his UAA audience that activists should...
Energy efficiency: The other side of the equation
Last month, when President Obama unveiled the Better Buildings Initiative to provide incentives for businesses to become more energy efficient, we were reminded how...
CEA: BOEMRE Deepwater Drilling Permit A Good First Step, But Not Enough
CEA: BOEMRE Deepwater Drilling Permit A Good First Step, But Not Enough
Alliance Continues to Urge Administration to Speed Up Approval Process as Gas Pump...
Consumer Energy Alliance Welcomes New Member NACS
Consumer Energy Alliance Welcomes New Member NACS
HOUSTON — Today, Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) welcomed NACS as its newest member. Founded in 1961...
March 2011 Newsletter
March 2011 CEA Newsletter
Issue 48
The Difference A Month Makes
A month ago, when I sat down to write this letter and outline the challenges ahead,...
Amid Mid-Eastern chaos Alaska could strengthen America
By Dave Harbour
A year ago our family visited countries now ablaze in rebellion. We toured museums, pyramids, mosques and ancient byzantine cathedrals. We easily...
CEA: Study Confirms Significant National Value of Developing America’s Domestic Resources
CEA: Study Confirms Significant National Value of Developing America’s Domestic Resources
Benefits to Include Increased Oil & Gas Resources, Enhanced Energy...
A tenuous situation becomes more so
Even those of us who have warned all along of the dangers of depending on foreign crude have been watching Libya with ...
Offshore oil is Alaska’s lifeline: Federal hearings bypass Interior Alaska’s voices
By: Dave Harbour
The Alaska House Resources Committee recently heard truck drivers, oil field workers and small business owners testify about Alaska’s poor...