Americans are all too familiar with the ways political instability in oil rich places like Iraq and Saudi Arabia impact the price they pay for gasoline and heating oil. This.
February 2011 CEA Newsletter Issue 47 Fresh Starts and Old Challenges We kick off this new year with great optimism that, three years after the nation’s economy plunged into.
In his January 25 State of the Union address, President Obama spoke of the need to “out-innovate” and “out-build” the rest of the world. He pledged to never put unnecessary.
CEA: ‘State of the Union’ Addresses Energy Need, But Too Narrow In Scope Alliance Continues to Advocate for Expanded American Energy Policy WASHINGTON – Following President Barack Obama’s second State.
CEA to Lawmakers: 2011 is the Year to Develop Balanced National Energy Policy Consumer Advocacy Group Issues New Briefing Book and Energy Policy Recommendations to 112th Congress WASHINGTON – Consumer.
For comments from CEA President David Holt on developing a balanced energy strategy, click here for video, and click here for audio.
.Download the CEA 112th Congress Policy Recommendations here
.Affordable energy needed for economic resurgence By DAVID HOLT HOUSTON CHRONICLE Jan. 20, 2011, 9:28PM So important was the matter of ensuring the U.S. government had ample and unrestricted access.
No work and no revenue. That’s how the owner of R & D Enterprises describes business in the wake of last year’s Deepwater Horizon blast and the subsequent deepwater drilling.
The National Oil Spill Commission’s long-awaited report on the Deepwater Horizon arrived this week, offering an odd assortment of findings and recommendations that reach far beyond last year’s tragedy in.