
September 2012 Newsletter

September 2012 CEA Newsletter Issue 66 Advancing A Sensible Energy Policy As we continue through a long hot summer, CEA has been working tirelessly to continue to...
Energy efficient LED light bulb

FERC Commissioner Discusses Energy Industry, Tele-Town Hall Series

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Commissioner Bernie McNamee sat down with CEA President David Holt to talk about the current state of the energy...
Oil pipeline in Alaska with mountain range

Arctic Coalition Demands Inclusion in DOI Lease Plan

CEA Alaska, as part of a coalition of partners representing Narive communities, labor unions, education, and business spoke out in support of America's committment...
Business Women

Pipelines Are Safe – and a Moral Imperative – for PA

Craig Stevens of Grow America's Infrastructure Now cited Consumer Energy Alliance while explaining the undeniable safety record of pipelines compared to traditional transport methods....
Pipeline connection to oil refinery

CEA Issues Statement on Dakota Access Pipeline Decision

Houston, TX — David Holt, president of Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), issued the below statement on President Obama's decision to deny a construction easement...
Net-negative oil

Net-Negative Oil, What’s All the Hype About?

Despite the pandemic, the United States consumed an average of about 18.19 million barrels of petroleum per day, or a total of about 6.66...

Colorado’s SB 19-181 an Economic Killer for the State’s Families, Businesses

DENVER — Today, Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), the leading consumer energy advocate, voiced concern and disapproval with Senate Bill 19-181 (SB-181), proposed legislation being fast-tracked...

Lower Heating Costs Expected This Winter – Thanks to U.S. Energy Production

Add this to the list of things to be thankful for this coming Thanksgiving. Thanks to America’s ongoing energy revolution, American consumers no longer have...

CEA November 2009 Newsletter

CEA Newsletter Issue 32 Message from CEA President David Holt As we prepare for the upcoming winter season and the excitement of celebrating holidays with family and...

Progress on lifting the drilling ban. Sort of.

The good news is that public opposition to the ban on drilling in the Gulf of Mexico is growing, and becoming more organized. Over...