Affiliate Ports-to-Plains Posts Blog in Response to CEA Energy Day
Ports -to-Plains posted a blog on Thursday, October 21, expressing gratitute to the Congressional hosts of Energy Day 2010. Click here to read the...
Why Seniors Dread Winter
This winter, many seniors who have the means to do so will head south to Florida and other warm locales where they will soak...
CEA Media Coverage from Energy Day 2010
The following are links to media coverage of Energy Day 2010. We appreciated all who both supported and participated in our event, and we...
Lifting the Drilling Moratorium; A Thanks and a Plea
The Obama Administration has announced it will lift the moratorium on deep water drilling in the Gulf of Mexico – about six weeks before...
CEA’s Energy Day in the Houston Chronicle
Click here to read the article in the Houston Chronicle.
CEA’s Energy Day in 10/13/10 ClimateWire
BUSINESS: U.S. export giants press for one global carbon accounting standard
Joel Kirkland, E&E reporter
The U.S. manufacturing sector can thrive under a global climate change...
Energy Day 2010: Our Energy is Our Power
This week, CEA takes a step back from the various issues that concern us each day, to celebrate energy – in all its forms...
Solar Panels at the White House
Just last month, people were wondering why the Obama White House would not install solar panels, even when asked point blank to do so....
Footprints and Toeprints: Share Your Airport Experiences
If you’re like most people, when you think about travel-related energy consumption, you think about the big things: The size of the car, the...
David Holt: “A Long Way Off” in Response to National Journal Expert Blog
The following was submitted by David Holt, President of Consumer Energy Alliance, in response to the National Journal's Expert Blog on Monday, October 4th entitled,...