There is much to celebrate about the recent approval late last month of the Cape Wind project off the coast of Massachusetts. And while much has already been said about.
The following op-ed from David Holt, President of Consumer Energy Alliance, appeared on the National Journal website here, in response to the discussion question “How can the U.S. wean itself.
CEA joins State Department, Premier of Alberta, Top U.S. and Canadian Energy Experts for North American Energy Security Summit at Canadian Embassy WASHINGTON – May 7, 2010 America’s historic and.
Did you know that many states are running programs that give Americans rebates on purchasing new energy efficient appliances for their homes? The deal is – only purchases that replace.
Did you know that the landscaping around your house can help you maximize energy efficiency and cut costs? In the U.S., there are four approximate climatic regions: temperate, hot-arid, hot-humid.
Calling all consumers! Visit the website to view current rebates and special offers from Energy Star partners. The handy online search tool enables consumers to find out about deals.
Maybe you’ve already made your home energy-efficient – now it’s time to take your green to work! is currently promoting a nationwide campaign that encourages all Americans to practice.
The start of a new year is the perfect time to rededicate yourself to saving energy (and therefore saving money!) Make energy efficiency one of your resolutions for 2010. There.
As you prepare for the holiday season, use a few of these easy, energy-efficient tips from the Environmental Protection Agency to save energy and reduce waste. Using a real tree?.
As you prepare your home for colder temperatures this winter season, use a few of these easy, energy-efficient tips from Energy Star and the U.S. Department of Energy to save.