The consumer energy year in review
New Year’s brings a time for all of us to review what we’ve accomplished over the past 12 months and chart a course for...
CEA January 2010 Newsletter
CEA Newsletter
Issue 34
Message from CEA President David Holt
The start of each new year is a time of renewal, excitement and rededication to principles important...
A season of paradox
Folks living within a vast swath of the eastern United States had their festive plans for caroling and last-minute holiday shopping disrupted over the...
Getting serious about shale
Exxon Mobil this week announced plans to buy the independent gas producer XTO Energy for $41 billion – by far the largest deal for...
CEA Praises Airlines Pact to Promote, Increase Use of Alternative Fuels
Consumer group calls the airline agreement “Groundbreaking”
HOUSTON – December 16, 2009 Yesterday, the Air Transport Association of America, Inc. (ATA) – a key Consumer...
What research says about Low Carbon Fuel standards (and low chocolate standards)
The Low Carbon Fuel Standard is making the rounds again in news reports about national and global energy policies. And why not? What’s not...
Alaska in balance
To fully appreciate the significance of the Interior Department’s long-awaited decision earlier this week to allow Shell Oil to drill three exploratory wells in...
Green energy jobs: Gone abroad with the wind
Oil isn’t the only domestic industry at risk of losing out to overseas competitors: It seems that a lot of federal government money allocated...
CEA December 2009 Newsletter
CEA Newsletter
Issue 33
Message from CEA President David Holt
As 2009 draws to a close, Consumer Energy Alliance would like to thank all of our members...
Cow power
There’s something, well, powerful, about any creature that produces 120 pounds of waste every day. That’s the amount of manure that dairy farmers must...