19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance



In what has become something of an annual pre-Thanksgiving tradition, the latest survey of people’s travel plans this year shows a slight increase in the number of people who plan.

Consumer Energy Alliance analyzes Low-Carbon Fuel Standard compliance scenarios for 11 northeast states WASHINGTON – November 13, 2009 A regional Low-Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) imposed on 11 Northeast and Mid-Atlantic.

Consumer group calls untapped domestic oil and gas resources “a game-changer” for the economy HOUSTON – November 19, 2009 This week, the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) released.

Here’s an important detail about the strength of our domestic oil industry that is often lost in the larger debate over opening more of the country to drilling and exploration:.

You may recall what we said last spring about the tough times in the trucking industry: a business which really cannot seem to get a break, between the high fuel.

What could possibly be worse than the 10.2% nationwide unemployment we recently highlighted? How about the jobless rates of 11% in Florida, 12.2% in California, and a staggering 15.3% in.

Twenty-six years ago, the video of Michael Jackson’s Thriller was broadcast for the first time. The Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan. And here in the United States, unemployment peaked above 10%..

Texas. California. Alaska. And now, Florida. That’s the latest site of what has become a series of heated debates over offshore drilling. All around the country, lawmakers overseeing diminished state.

A promising home-grown source of power is abandoned over safety and environmental concerns and regulatory roadblocks. Said industry addresses those concerns and comes back safer and more environmentally friendly than.

We all enjoy an extra hour of sleep in the morning. And who can quibble with those long, light summer days, that bring more time to enjoy the outdoors: attend.