19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance


Press Releases


Energy Consumer Advocate Promoting Net Metering Reform in Arizona Net-roots Campaign Underway Highlighting Cost-Shifting Caused by Current Rules Houston, TX – Energy consumer advocate Consumer Energy Alliance is launching a.

Houston, TX – In response to today’s announcement that the EPA will institute strict limits on carbon emissions for new power plants, Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) President David Holt urged.

Houston, TX – The 9th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals decision to uphold California’s Low Fuel Carbon Standard will keep a costly program on the books that has the potential.

Nashville, TN – The potential impacts of President Obama’s Climate Action Plan on the affordability and reliability of power in the Southeast will be among the topics addressed by Rep..

Coming just days after the EPA is expected to release a draft regulation on new coal-fired power plants, U.S. Representative Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), Vice Chair of the U.S. House Energy.

Consumer Energy Alliance’s Andrew Browning wrote to the Bureau of Land Management today noting: “Duplicative and inefficient regulation complicates the permitting process..” Read the complete text: August 23, 2013  .

Consumer Energy Alliance’s Andrew Browning wrote to the Bureau of Land Management today noting: “Duplicative and inefficient regulation complicates the permitting process..” Read the complete text: August 23, 2013  .

HOUSTON – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is pleased to welcome the Kenworth Alaska as its newest affiliate member. Kenworth Alaska is Alaska’s premier full-service Kenworth truck dealer. As part of.

An independent study released today finds the Keystone XL pipeline will have “no material impact” on Greenhouse gas emissions. IHS-CERA Study: “Even if the Keystone XL pipeline does not move.

Richmond Virginia skyline

Arlington, VA – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) will host the “2013 Virginia Energy & Opportunity Forum: A Discussion with Virginia’s Gubernatorial Candidates” on August 29th where both Attorney General Ken.