Offshore oil rig with workers

Diverse Energy Resources Can Boost Our Economy

America’s offshore areas are key to our safe and secure energy future.  And they hold the potential to continue our newfound energy abundance and security well into the future.

The Atlantic, the Gulf of Mexico, and Arctic hold abundant opportunity for traditional and renewable energy production, economic growth and job creation.

The Gulf of Mexico is an energy workhorse and economic powerhouse for the nation. Its continued and expanded development is critical to securing the nation’s long-term energy, economic, and national security.

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The Atlantic represents a major part of the future of American offshore energy production.  Closed for years to energy development, Atlantic coast communities have not had the economic opportunity afforded communities in the Gulf Coast. 

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The Arctic is one of the last frontiers, home to vast natural resources and an area of emerging geopolitical importance.  With Alaska anchoring our interests in the region, we can further strengthen American national security and economic prosperity.

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