Tellurian Testing Support for 2 Bcf/d Haynesville Pipeline

Natural gas fueling station

Increasing production in Texas requires more pipeline capacity to safely and efficiently transport oil and natural gas to processing plants, refiners, and energy end-users.

“Louisiana continues to serve as the U.S. natural gas market hub, requiring additional infrastructure to efficiently deliver gas from fields in the Northeast U.S., the Midwest and Texas to local and global markets. HGAP will improve the connection between North and Southwest Louisiana, debottlenecking existing pipeline routes and providing shippers access to expanding markets.”

Read more – Natural Gas Intel

Consumer Energy Alliance Continues to Work with Local Officials, Asks for Assistance into Uncovering Who Abused its Comment System

Consumer Energy Alliance Logo
Consumer Energy Alliance Logo

Columbia, SC – Today, Michael Whatley, Executive Vice President of Consumer Energy Alliance, a national consumer advocate, met with key local and state officials about the organization’s concerns with the recent abuse of its comment system and provided the following statement:

“Today, Consumer Energy Alliance met with key members of the South Carolina legislature and other state officials to review our preliminary information regarding the probable inappropriate use of a recent online public comment opportunity. CEA believes certain individuals may have improperly entered names of local individuals without their knowledge or consent. CEA’s preliminary review shows inconsistencies in addresses, emails that were registered out of state, and irregularities with IP addresses. These entries appear to be targeted and designed to manipulate an online comment system.”

“This is very serious to us since comment collection is an important and common practice used by public officials, companies, advocacy groups, and non-profits to seek feedback on issues that are important to the community. Like us, these groups rely heavily on the honesty of the individual and the information they submit. Any hacking or misrepresenting that information in the process represents a compromise to the system and should be a concern to all.

“For someone to knowingly violate the public trust and apparently enter false names undermines public confidence in the system and our fundamental ability to have a public discussion about key policy choices.

“CEA staff initially discovered these irregularities on Saturday, February 17th, and we alerted the Attorney General’s Office first thing on Monday morning, February 19th. We stand behind our methodology in collecting comments – which is similar to the ways Members of Congress and other advocacy groups collect comments.

“While it appears that the majority of letters submitted through our online portal are legitimate, we are very concerned with the few that are not.  We look forward to working with the proper authorities in South Carolina to find out who falsely entered these names.”

Morning Drive with Joel Riley Featuring Brydon Ross

Farm in Ohio

CEA’s Brydon Ross joined WTVN’s Joel Riley to talk about the 22nd Annual Ohio Energy Management Conference and how Ohio has embraced an all-of-the-above energy policy to take advantage of the diverse energy resources across the state.

Listen online – 610 WTVN

Consumer Energy Alliance Expresses Concern with South Carolina Public Comment Opportunity; Requests Potential Fraudulent Activity to be Reviewed Thoroughly

COLUMBIA, SC — Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), the leading national consumer advocate on energy issues, today released a statement from CEA President David Holt about the organization’s concern with recent public comments that may have been submitted without permission in South Carolina:

“Over its 13-year history, Consumer Energy Alliance often provides our members and the public opportunities to weigh-in online with comments on energy issues that could impact household energy prices.  In each instance, the commenter must enter their name, address, email and zip code and affirmatively approve a comment letter.

“Recently, CEA learned about a petition letter in South Carolina that was submitted to our system on behalf of a local individual apparently without their permission. It appears to be false information. We are deeply concerned about this potential activity and are investigating it thoroughly. We have submitted a request, along with accompanying data, to the proper authorities in the State of South Carolina asking that this issue be examined.

“Consumer Energy Alliance strongly believes that it is vital for the public to communicate directly with policymakers on important public policy issues and is proud of our efforts to provide platforms which allow the public to legitimately engage in public debate. We are very concerned with any instance where an individual falsely files a comment in an attempt to influence the actions of policymakers – particularly when that individual has utilized a grassroots vehicle provided by Consumer Energy Alliance.

“Our public discussions related to energy are becoming increasingly discordant, with some anti-energy groups more frequently using illegal or dangerous tactics, such as defacing public property, threatening violence, breaking into facilities, shutting down energy delivery stationsstaging unruly protests and publicly berating private citizens. Unfortunately, this latest incident may be yet another effort to quash public input and discussion about energy policy and its impact on families and businesses.

“As we work with South Carolina officials to review this incident, we will continue to verify existing submissions to ensure a credible, valid open process that welcome all voices in the energy discussion and serves to help South Carolinians meet their most basic energy needs.”

CEA Letter Requesting an Investigation from the South Carolina Attorney General


About Consumer Energy Alliance
Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) brings together families, farmers, small businesses, distributors, producers and manufacturers to support America’s energy future. With more than 500,000 members nationwide, our mission is to help ensure stable prices and energy security for households across the country. We believe energy development is something that touches everyone in our nation, and thus it is necessary for all of us to actively engage in the conversation about how we develop our diverse energy resources and energy’s importance to the economy. Learn more at

Emily Haggstrom
P: 720-582-0242


Frigid Temperatures Show Why Ohio’s Energy Infrastructure Is Essential

Father and daughter removing snow from car windows

As winter still grips Ohio, household heating bills are still being kept low by the natural gas produced in our state and the pipelines which safely bring it to families across the state.

Nearly 100 percent of Ohio-produced natural gas stays right here in our state, coming to us through safe, underground infrastructure systems. According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, pipelines are the safest, most environmentally friendly way to transfer natural gas to our homes, businesses, hospitals and manufacturing plants.

Read more – The Cleveland Plain Dealer

Infrastructure Supports Affordable Energy

Two steel construction workers welding metal

Chris Ventura, CEA’s Midwest Executive Director discusses how infrastructure such as pipelines and transmission lines allow for economic growth in Ohio’s manufacturing sector.

This low-cost source of energy has led to a resurgence in local manufacturing, with Ohio landing 240 new manufacturing projects in 2016. Businesses that produce goods now account for 18 percent of the state’s economy and employ more than one in eight people, per the Ohio Manufacturers’ Association.

Read more – The Columbus Dispatch

Both Sides: Solar Energy Debate

Family Walking in the Park

CEA’s Brydon Ross had the opportunity to sit down with Leland Conway to discuss current legislation before the Kentucky legislature dealing with solar energy production and how the legislature can enact policies to incentivize the growth of solar while protecting families and energy consumers from higher energy bills.

Listen here – NewsRadio 840 WHAS

All-of-the-above Energy Policy a Must for Florida

South Beach Miami Florida

CEA-Florida Executive Director Kevin Doyle discusses how Florida will need to embrace an all-of-the-above energy policy to keep prices affordable for consumers and power reliable for Florida’s businesses.

There are many types of energy, from tried-and-true traditional sources of oil, natural gas and nuclear to up-and-coming renewable options such as solar and wind. Even biomass plays a role.

And we need them all – regardless of where they’re produced, in or around the state.

However, some sources are more advanced and better developed than others and can produce more energy. That’s critical to keeping the lights on, our gas tanks full and our smartphones charged, in less-costly ways.

Read more – Tallahassee Democrat

Offshore Drilling Debate Reaches South Carolina’s Capitol

Worker in a manufacturing facility

Tim Page, CEA Southeast Executive Director, testified on the importance of ensuring American energy production to secure our energy independence and provide more jobs for South Carolina’s families.

Advocacy groups in favor say drilling off South Carolina’s coast expands the country’s energy options, saving consumers money and helping the state’s economy.

“We want to become energy independent and be able to provide for ourselves and provide for the country here in America and offshore of America,” said Tim Page, executive director of Consumer Energy Alliance.

Read more – WBTV News 13

Sanford Takes Shot at Trump in Oil-drilling Debate As SC Opponents, Supporters Rally

Charlotte North Carolina

As public hearings are held across the eastern seaboard about the proposal to access American energy resources, CEA’s Southeast Executive Director Tim Page has been speaking out in support of policies which will lower energy costs for working families.

“When we develop our energy here at home, we benefit our economy, our communities and, yes, our environment, as well,” said Tim Page, regional director of the Consumer Energy Alliance, a national group that favors drilling. “This opportunity is too important to be missed.”

Read more – The State