Pipeline Permit Is Step in Right Direction

Pipeline connection to oil refinery

CEA’s Mike Butler highlights the consumer benefits tied to pipeline construction in Pennsylvania.

The Mariner East 2 pipeline couldn’t have come at a better time. In fact, much like the rest of the country, Pennsylvania is becoming increasingly dependent on clean-burning natural gas to meet its fast-growing energy needs.

And because it’s so important that we deliver these resources safely to protect our state’s environment, building this pipeline is the most sensible way to do so.

Read more – The Tribune-Democrat

Consumer Group Applauds Overwhelming Support for Legislation that Requires Energy Accountability

Solar panel installation

HOUSTON – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) President David Holt today released the following statement applauding Governor Martinez and the Legislature for approving House Bill 199 – legislation requiring transparency and accountability for solar installation contracts. The law will specifically disclose and spell out required contract obligations and information to rooftop solar owners and lessees by their solar installer.

“We applaud the overwhelming bipartisan support by the New Mexico House and Senate who approved a bill that would hold solar installers to the same level of accountability as other businesses across the state. It is also a win for families and businesses who own or lease or who are looking to own or lease solar equipment.”

“Holding organizations to a high standard should not be seen as a “business-killing” maneuver. Instead, we should be protecting families and households, ensuring they understand all aspects of their contracts – from taxes and credits to warranty options and possible variances – to help them maintain low costs. Through the creation of such a practical law, the New Mexican Legislature has come together in agreement for communities across the state.”

Stand Up for Alaska Families and Businesses, Send a Message to Washington!

Anchorage Alaska

Alaska families and businesses depend on the jobs that come from our state’s abundant energy resources.

However, in recent years federal actions closed the door to much of Alaska’s energy opportunities – creating holes in the wallets of hard working Alaskans and damaging the revenue that goes into our state’s schools, hospitals, roads, and other critical infrastructure.

It’s time to tell the Trump administration that Alaska families and businesses strongly support Alaska energy.

The Alaska Senate is considering a resolution that sends a clear message to Washington, DC: Remove the Roadblocks on Alaskan Energy!

It’s important to speak out now as anti-development groups are vigorously fighting to stop all development in our state.

Join us to show Juneau and Washington that they DO NOT speak for Alaska.

CLICK HERE AND SIGN THE LETTER below to stand up for Alaska’s families, and against harmful restrictions on Alaskan energy, by registering your support for SJR 5.


Dear Senator:

As an Alaskan, I am deeply troubled by recent federal actions that harmed energy-related jobs and economic development in our state.

That is why I strongly support SJR 5 and its clear signal to Washington, DC that Alaskans support the thoughtful development of our state’s energy and minerals and want restrictions lifted.

The ability of Alaska and the nation to benefit from our abundant natural resources has been artificially constrained by federal roadblock after federal roadblock.

Lifting these barriers and unleashing the full power of Alaskan energy is critical to the future of communities, families, and businesses across the state, and the way of life we’ve come to enjoy. The stakes could not be higher, especially with affordable and reliable energy, well-paying jobs, along with critical needs like functioning and well-maintained schools, hospitals, roads, and other infrastructure hanging in the balance.

Please support this important resolution and stand up for Alaska by voting yes for SJR 5.

Western Maryland Needs Fracking

Baltimore Maryland

CEA’s Mike Butler recently penned an op-ed for the Baltimore Sun discussing the consumer benefits of fracking in Western Maryland.

Garrett and Allegany counties in Western Maryland have higher poverty rates than most other counties in the state. In fact, per reports, more than half of the households in the region earn less than $50,000 annually. Both counties sit in a rural section of the state that stands to lose even more if legislators, again, cut the cord – perhaps, this time, for good – on a line of work that could help these families make ends meet: oil and gas production and the use of hydraulic fracturing (“Maryland General Assembly approves fracking ban,” March 27).

Read more – The Baltimore Sun

Consumer Group Reacts to Trump’s Executive Order on the Clean Power Plan

Electric transmission lines

Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) today commended President Donald Trump for signing an executive order to rescind the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Clean Power Plan and undo regulations with the intent of bolstering domestic energy production. Today’s decision will provide relief for American families, manufacturers, and businesses, as well as helping to improve grid reliability.

CEA President David Holt made the following statement:

“We support President Trump and his new Executive Order, which is a positive step forward in providing American families and businesses with affordable supplies of energy.”

Study after study concluded that the Clean Power Plan would have raised electricity prices for American families and businesses, threatened grid reliability and security, and taken an amount of electricity equal to the total electricity demand of New England offline, with no plan to replace the lost production. The result of this approach would have certainly raised electricity prices for families and small businesses across the country.”

Proceed With the Pipelines. They’re a Better Way

The editorial board of The Chicago Tribune acknowledged the environmental benefits of pipelines, in addition to the new jobs a pipeline like Keystone XL will create during construction.

But from an environmental and public safety standpoint, the risks of moving petroleum in pipelines are lower than the risks of carrying it on rail cars and trucks through populated areas.

The jobs that would be created, estimated at some 40,000, are not to be sneezed at just because most of them are temporary. In the modern economy, no job lasts forever.

Read more – The Chicago Tribune

Help Protect Richmond Families!

Richmond Virginia skyline

Help Protect Richmond Families!

Richmond families and businesses rely each and every day on natural gas from hydraulic fracturing to keep electricity prices low. Richmond City Council is now considering an irresponsible ban on this practice within its city limits, sending the message that Richmond residents oppose the very method that allows them to affordably and reliably power their lives!

Hydraulic fracturing is a widely used and well tested practice that has resulted in the US meeting more and more of its energy needs here at home, rather than relying on imports. This helps create jobs, tax revenue, keeps us safe, and reduces our energy costs.  What’s more, there is zero potential for producing natural gas within Richmond, making the resolution nothing more than a waste of City Council’s time and resources.

Join with your friends and neighbors!

Click here and tell the City Council that you support lower energy prices, American energy, and that they should be tackling real issues facing families and small businesses in Richmond.



Dear Council,
I am writing to share my opposition to Resolution No. 2017-R012 – which would prohibit using hydraulic fracturing within Richmond city limits. Given the fact that there is zero potential for producing oil or natural gas in Richmond, the resolution is nothing more than an ideological stance against hydraulic fracturing and a waste of City Council’s time and resources.  Further, it sends a message that for some reason the City of Richmond has deemed hydraulic fracturing unsafe – a position that continues to be put-forth by a few vocal anti-energy organizations that has been debunked by the U.S. government and countless studies.
Richmond families and businesses rely on natural gas produced by hydraulic fracturing to meet our most basic electricity needs. This time-tested and widely used technology keeps electricity prices low and allows us to affordably and reliably power our lives. Considering the benefits we receive, it would be illogical, irresponsible and counter to the facts of the City to formally adopt disapproval of the method.
Furthermore, the City makes millions of dollars per year selling natural gas. This money is used to address real problems that Richmond families and businesses are facing, such as aging infrastructure and sewage issues. Sending the false message that the method is dangerous would cause tens of thousands of gas customers to think twice about the gas they buy from the city, ultimately causing the City’s budget to suffer.
That is why I urge you to oppose Resolution No. 2017-R012.

US State Department Issues Long-awaited Permit for Keystone XL Pipeline

Pipeline connection to oil refinery

CEA’s David Holt discussed the importance of Keystone XL to American consumers and workers.

Consumer Energy Alliance Pres. David Holt said, “The Keystone XL Pipeline will provide American refineries with a stable supply of oil, American drivers with lower gasoline and diesel prices, American workers with high-paying jobs, and the American economy with a much-needed shot in the arm.”

Read more – Oil & Gas Journal

Consumer Energy Alliance Applauds the Latest Keystone XL Decision

Inside view of a pipeline

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) today commended the Trump Administration’s State Department for issuing a permit to authorize construction of the long-awaited Keystone XL Pipeline. Today’s welcomed authorization helps American families and businesses move forward amidst growing opposition to pipeline development by activist groups.

CEA President David Holt made the following statement:

“This is a huge step forward – not just for this project, but for American energy policy. The Keystone XL Pipeline will provide American refineries with a stable supply of oil, American drivers with lower gasoline and diesel prices, American workers with high-paying jobs, and the American economy with a much-needed shot in the arm.”

Richmond Utilities Director Asks City Council to Reject Proposed Ban on Fracking in City

Richmond Virginia skyline

CEA’s James Voyles discussed the proposed Richmond fracking ban with the Richmond Times-Dispatch.

The chief of public utilities in Richmond is warning City Council members against going along with a proposal to ban hydraulic fracturing within the city of Richmond.

“When the practice is conducted safely, it’s a safe and environmentally friendly process,” said James Voyles, policy counsel at the Consumer Energy Alliance.

Read more – Richmond Times-Dispatch